^.^Lovely night^.^

May 25, 2004 11:48

Mmm...woke up this morning from not 1, not 2, but 3 lovely wonderful Michael dreams. Of course I can only remember 2 now. But they were still nice. In one of them I got a hug:)

Anyway, so last night I was going to get on the computer and waste my night, but unfortuately my comp got a bit sick and my daddy and I spent the better part of an hour and a half making him better. Except now he's making weird noises like dripping water.

And I've done a little bit of homework on the girl who was hanging all over Michael on Sunday night at graduation and have decided that she would be an okay person to not particularly care for. Heh, just wanted to make sure she wasn't some really uber-nice person before I decided I didn't like her.

La la la...today shall consist of packing and crafting. Perhaps reading too. Oh, and shopping for the trip. Whee, all of a sudden I have so much I could be doing! Let's see...

-pack for Europe
-make neclace
-repair bracelet
-work on nanomango
-work on betaing
-summer reading
-redo userinfo page
-going to the gym, which I probably won't do today anyway
-eat breakfast

There, at least I already have one thing done:)
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