Title: Born in Blood Author: evening12 Beta: icicle33 Thank you! Main character: Tom Riddle Jr. Rating: PG-13 Word count: 229 words Content/Warning(s): None. Maybe midly dark themes? Summary/Prompt: Tom's past has a hold on him.
[Born in Blood] He was born in blood, born in blood and dark magic. His magic died bringing him into the world and left him with nothing but a name: Tom Riddle. This might be the truth, but it wasn’t the entire truth. His mother also left Tom with the knowledge that his father had rejected them both.
Upon learning of purebloods, Mudbloods and Muggles, Tom knew that his mother must have been a Muggle. Only a Muggle would die in a dreary orphanage after giving birth. A witch would have been stronger. A witch would have survived. His father wouldn’t have left a witch. Yes, Tom’s mother must have been a Muggle. A dirty, filthy Muggle - and yet, still his mother.
It wasn’t until some years after his eleventh birthday that Tom learned otherwise. His mother had been a Gaunt, a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. While weak-hearted, his mother had been the better of his parents, the reason that magic ran in his blood.
If a witch could die a pitiful death, so could a Muggle. How dare a Muggle reject Salazar Slytherin’s heir? How dare a Muggle think itself better than a wizard? If only to prove that his blood ran strong and powerful, Tom needed to kill him.
And so, in the middle of a hot summer night, Tom Apparated onto the porch of his wretched father’s home.