Jan 08, 2010 14:45
I'm not a happy camper still. NOT ONE BIT!
Firstly: I"m happy about maybe one thing-----------> .5 lb lost. in 10 effin days!
I"m down to having only 1 shake/day. Some bites of cheese becuase 1/2 oz of cheese block can keep me full for 3 hours or so, for real! Cheese has always done that for me. I"m drinking 4 tea's a day, and 4 1.5 ltr bottles of water. PEeing my pants every hour or so almost.
My husband has been looking around and it appears now has been cheating on me indirectly. And now there is someone at work who I believe will be the next target because of his actions & looks at her etc., We're done.
My son wont sleep more than an hour for nap. I get no break. He is up late now, and miserable because of his teeth. I'm pissy.
I like the diet coke. It is a great filler. I can go hours w.out thinking about food after one coke. So I am drinking 1 or 2 of them per day- the last one is in the evening while I watch my family eat. lol.
I am so fat and disgusting. One day I will post a picture of myself on here. ONE DAY. And you'll see.
I am eating less then 400 cals a day right now- I am not doing it on purpose as much as just doing it... I just drink liquids and that's pretty much it. I have a bit of cheese, and some spoons of plain natural yogurt. I wouldn't have the yogurt but I have a candida problem and I"m hoping it will help. I stopped using slim fast, it has too many carbs/sugar in it even though its only 130 cals. I switched to ISO FEMME SOY shake. Its gluten free, no carbs, no sugar, barely any fat, some vitamins & 120 cals per shake. I dont like the taste, but I choke it down for breakfast every day.
I have PCOS ( polycystic ovarian syndrom). I am guessing that that is why I am not losing just yet. Along with that I am insulen resistant, and what happens is that my body will spike out sugar/insulin at all times of the day & night and craves it at all times. I have read up on the dieting aspect of it, and if its correct, then what will happen is my body holds onto the sugar in it, the fat cells and refuses to let them leave- that could go on for weeks. Then all of a sudden it'll be a dramatic weightloss and start the ball rolling and continue to lose. But my body has to be ready to give it up first- which could take some time. Maybe this .5 lb is the start? I sure freaken hope so. I"m eating an 8th of what I used to, even less sometimes.
Okay- going now. I'll check out the sites a friend on here left for me to look at. Thank you for your help!