
Mar 05, 2010 23:38

I don't really ever post I'll probably, if I ever remember it's here, use this to vent a bit since I know no one is really out there.

I feel kinda trapped and powerless. The economy is no longer in the's practically in the septic tank. I want to move to Binghamton to be with my girlfriend, but I want to be sure I can continue to pay my bills (which I'm having difficulty doing at the moment anyway)which means getting a job in Binghamton first. Of course there aren't many jobs available to begin with, then factor in that I need a minimum $9/hr at full time to manage to keep paying my bills without putting anything into the apartment financially. So the pool of jobs just got smaller. Next, most of the jobs that can start at that payscale for some bizarre reason want 2-3 years experience minimum. It's the job application paradox. I need experience to get the job, but I need the job to get any experience. Fucked at both ends. I also apparently blew through most of my spare cash in this past week...not entirely sure how. But it's gone. *sigh* And now I need to get ready for the job that I'm really not excited to go next job I hope doesn't have a C shift that runs at midnight. I do not like this.
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