Meme fun. xD

Jul 18, 2010 19:55

Hiiii guys. I'm bored, and everyone on my flist is doing this meme, so I jumped on the boat. I think i technically stole it from Kait...

last cigarette: neverrr. I don't want lung cancer, plus, smoke makes my asthma do bad things. o_O
last kiss: Romantic kiss? Err... I think April.
last good cry: what the hell is a 'good' cry? Last time I cried... a few days ago.
last library book checked out: i haven't checked a lib book out since high school... so i have no idea. Haha./
last movie seen: Just saw Eclipse and Grown Ups last night. :)
last book read: Lord of the Changing Winds
last cuss word uttered: shit
last beverage drank: Strawberry banana smoothie - i stole a drink from my mama. :P
last food consumed: Cold Stone Ice Cream! Twas my favorite, cookie dough in cake batter ice cream. (this is where mom got the smoothie that I stole from, too. xD)
last phone call: my dad... i think
last tv show watched: We're watching some stupid House Hunters show... dad has remote. not my fault. ><
last cd played: A mixed one I made for my car. Mostly Glee and Bullet for My Valentine
last item bought: a cassette adapter so i can listen to my ipod in my car.
last annoyance:  Mom insisted on driving my car home from state college, she stalled the engine cos she does stupid things with the gas and breaks, then tells me my car sucks. ><
last disappointment: i found out i have to wake up early three days in a row this week. wahhh.
last soda drank: uhm... i think it was Root Beer at the Drive in last night
last thing handwritten: I wrote some stuff for Ejdy while waiting for the movies to start last night, too. I had to use my phone as a flashlight. `giggle
last word spoken: 'watching' I was asking my dad what we were watching for the 'last tv show watched' question. haha
last im: Uh... i .... I think it was something along the lines of 'love you, talk to you later"...?
last weird encounter: one of the waiters at the place mom and i ate at was staring at me all creepy-like, and when he walked away mom pointed out that it was because my shirt was down a bit low to be considered appropriate...
last ice cream eaten: Giggle, cookie dough and cake batter ice cream. ^_^ see other question where i said the same thing...
last amused: my dog jumped on me when i came in the door and landed in her food bowl...
trippin on drugs?: Never have, never will.
last time wanting to die: never mind. :)
last time in love: never.
last time hugged: when i dropped cat and becky off when i went to altoona... last wednesday
last time scolded: an hour ago... mom yelled at me for yelling at her for stalling the engine.
last chair sat in: ... does a car chair count?
last lipstick used: does chapstick count? if not... err- probably my job interview a few weeks ago, and it was pink.
last shirt worn: ish black with pretty flowers on it, cut a little too low.
last time dancing: mmmm...i was bouncing around in the car while i was listening to glee... does that count?
last poster looked at: errr... i don't have any posters in my room... sooo... probably my sister's Twilight poster.
last show attended: define 'show'. i saw drive in movies last night, i went to the Ivyside concert the last week of school... and i'm going to see hinder and seether in september. woooooot!
last webpage visited: uhmmm.... facebook, i believe. *is addicted*


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