Which Oscar Winning Movie Are You Most Like? Bold The Statements That Apply To You:
1. You burst into song randomly.
2. You believe in revenge.
3. You'd do anything to become famous
4. You always look out for yourself first
5. You love to dance
6. You always think you're in the right
7. The 20's are interesting
8. You'll never let a man make you unhappy
9. You've taken advantage of someone who loved you
10. You've been to jail or prison
#: 4
Gone With the Wind
1. You have a lot of clothes
2. You have been in love with someone who didn't love you back or vice versa
3. You are very selfish
4. You were born in or live in the south
5. You know someone that has joined the war
6. Marriage isn't important to you
7. Boys faun over you
8. You are Irish
9. You were raised with morals
10. You have had a hard life
#: 5
King's Speech
1. You have or have had a speech impediment
2. You'd rather have a mediocre life than have too much pressure on you
3. You have a short temper
4. Your father was a very important man or was very hard to please
5. You competed a lot with a sibling
6. Your significant other is very patient and understanding
7. You have found a friend in an unlikely person
8. You smoke cigarettes
9. You're very conservative
10. You have overcome a hardship in your life with the help of a friend
#: 2
Annie Hall
1. You live or lived in New York
2. You are or have dated a comedian
3. You're Jewish
4. You're paranoid
5. You have been called annoying or pompous or pretentious
6. You smoke weed
7. You're a hipster or have been called one
8. You have stayed in an unhappy relationship
9. You're condescending
10. You go by a name that is not your given first name
#: 5
1. You have fallen in love with someone while with someone else
2. You have fallen for someone either a lot richer or poorer than you
3. You've been on a boat
4. You would give your life for someone else
5. You're an artist or you have posed for one
6. You've had sex in a car
7. You do not like your parents
8. You have been wrongfully accused of a crime
9. You have attempted or thought of suicide
10. You've done something your parents do not approve of
#: 8
American Beauty
1. You have had sex with someone much older or younger than yourself
2. You have murdered someone
3. You hate your life
4. You take yourself too seriously
5. You have weird sexual fantasies
6. You have had or have thought about having breast augmentation surgery (breast enlargement)
7. You make weird movies
8. Your dad is very conservative or strict
9. You hate gay people or are secretly gay
10. You have quit your job because you were unhappy
#: 2