Nov 10, 2003 16:39
I'm sorry. I might offend a few people here, but I'm fucking sick and tired of reading this.
It is in fact possible for people to be both skinnny and healthy. It is in fact possible to EAT a lot and be slim.
Everyday, it seems that I read or hear something like, "God, so-and-so is so fucking skinny, she should really eat some donuts and get some meat on her bones."
Some people are naturally petite/slim/small-boned. Or all of the above. I'm a size two, and trust me, if I ate any more I would pop.
Some people, such as myself, cannot STAND the taste of red meat. So I don't appreciate it very much if you tell me [or others like me] that I should eat a damn hamburger.
I eat healthily. Have done so since I was born. Yet I've also drank whole milk and other dairy products, never touched diet sodas. And I'm fine. Surprise! I'm also not in shape. In any possible meaning of the word. I just biked up and down the hill in front of my house and I am crapped out. I keep telling myself I should go to the gym. But then again, if I was in shape I would look even more skinny and then I'd have to face what my sister faces.
My younger sister is a full-time gymnast. She also, ironically, eats like a pig. She is a size zero. Yes, she's thirteen. But she'll most likely stay this way for a long while, judging from the rest of my family.
She is teased mercilessly at school. People call her "anorexic bitch" not-so-subtly behind her back. Yes, I know middle school closely resembles hell, but does anyone ever speak of people being scorned for being too skinny? Not that I've seen. I actually went to a party once, and some younger guy there knew my sister [meshing of two worlds. very bad.] and he said, "Oh yeah, the anorexic one!" I almost slapped him in the face. Would anyone dare say, "Oh, the obese one," to the person's SISTER? I don't think so.
I know people who have anorexia, or have dealt with it. I know how people look when they are anorexic. It's not a good thing, and trust me, it's NOT a good thing to be accused of. Yet skinny women are just thrown into that sloppy category, even if they just have a fast metabolism [etc.]
So this is a BIG personal issue for me. And I'd appreciate it if people would fucking stop and think once and a while before they throw words around.
Also, you knew I was going to bring SMG into this somehow, didn't you?
She is petite. She is small boned. She has lost weight, yes, but that doesn't make her anorexic. When I perform -- well, I've lost up to ten pounds while preparing for a show, by no way on purpose. And that was just over a few months. So I just imagine myself doing a show for seven years straight, and I can see why her figure has changed as it has. Add in the hours, the stress of heading a show, and it all makes sense to me. And did anyone notice that she's gained some weight since BtVS ended?
All the time I see people, I see my friends point out a girl, whether she's a celebrity or some random woman on the street and say, "She is too skinny. She really needs to put on some weight," or even "God, she's so anorexic!" And I just want to scream, "HOW DO YOU FUCKING KNOW? Stop labelling people when you know fuck-all about them! She could be perfectly healthy!"
I've been wanting to let out this rant for YEARS. But I can't say it, because it's not PC, or some fucking bullshit like that. I can't complain about the shit I've gone through, because I might offend someone. Well fuck that.
Now I'm really upset. I'm going to go somewhere that's...away.
And none of this is directed towards my friends list. I love you all, even if I wasn't here for Spread the Love day. I'm just so frustrated and kinda shaky. That might have been from the biking uphill, though.
eve smash,
stop saying anorexic