This thought has probably been percolating unnoticed in my head since a few months ago when I heard that David Tennant said he would sing Common People [complete with high-kicks!] if he was on 'Stars In Their Eyes', but. Only this morning have I realized it.
If --not if, WHEN-- they make a movie about Pulp, David Tennant HAS to play Jarvis Cocker. It's just so absolutely perfect.
And when you do a
Google Image Search of "jarvis cocker", halfway down the page is one of those promo shots for series 2 with Billie and David in front of the TARDIS.
FATE. Even google says so.
I mean, god. Just IMAGINE him singing Feeling Called Love. Or Acrylic Afternoons. Or I Spy. Or This Is Hardcore. Or She's A Lady. Or Seductive Barry. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.
If you weren't aware, Jarvis Cocker has the most pornographic voice in the history of music. I can barely listen to Feeling Called Love in mixed company because it's like a porn in song format.
[This post brought to you by the random fact that my car's name is Jarvis.]
ETA: Hah, from
March 16, 2004: Jarvis Cocker makes me happy. So does Wes/Lilah. And chocolate. And sunny days. And swimming pools.
Seriously, I think that sums me up. Y'know, just insert current 'ship in for Wes/Lilah, though, I don't think I'll ever get over them.
EATA: Just for reference: July 12th I watched The Impossible Planet through Love and Monsters, July 13th watched Fear Her. Am currently in state of FEAR as to actually watching the last two episodes.