This is a public service announcement. Read
moby_journal's latest post right now. I would just like to say, word. Word to the millionth power. He is my hero.
And I also am starting a vote on who should be Moby's hot girlfriend, because he needs one. Nominees?
wisteria_ and
anniesj are crazy fools (WHORES!). I am very thankful (read: disappointed) that this cold prevented me from staying up late last night and feeding their insanity on AIM.
If only you guys could hear me cough. I sound like Satine in Moulin Rouge. Does that mean I get to have sex with Ewan McGregor?
ETA: Sorry Alanna. I'm a stupid whore who doesn't check her email. I guess I'm too late. And by the way, that Andrew mood icon is awesome. Look,
more Andrew!