How did I not notice THAT? I was on the A (or C, or E, I don't really pay attention) train late Sunday night...oh. Oh. That might explain the getting stuck part. Damn. This does not bode well.
2. Hotel Rwanda
is so good I could pee. Now go see it, all yous who say you're not sure if Don Cheadle deserves the Best Actor award. (Not that Johnny Depp doesn't.) My only other settled thoughts on the Academy Award nominations? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was robbed. Jim Carrey, Michel Gondry, Jon Brion. Garden State I think should have scored a Screenplay nod, but I hardly expected that to actually happen. And Zach Braff was, obviously, wonderful in the film, but not necessarily worthy of a Best Actor nod. Cos, damn, if the Braff couldn't use some Voice & Speech lessons. I mean, really. (I can love him and critique him! Shut up!)
desdemona_x or
lauranobaka or whoever was uploading House, M.D. episodes (or whoever still has them on their computer because I burnt mine)? Hie thee to
sogay, who is world's newest House Pimp. But she hasn't seen Teacher Tracheotomy, Jock Boy, or Sex. (A.K.A. Pilot, Paternity or Occam's Razor. Eps 1-3.)
4. Laura, have you made a "Sensitive Mutha" icon of Foreman yet? Cos I so am.
hecatehatesthat -- I got the Dead Like Me DVDs back in the mail today! You spoke the truth!
6. I lied last week (or, y'know, was wrongly informed and therefore spread the wrong info) -- TONIGHT is Colin Farrell's appearance on Scrubs. (ETA: I AM DYING FROM LAUGHTER. THIS IS THE FUNNIEST EPISODE IN AGES. "What? The Todd appreciates the hot. Regardless of gender!")
7. When I saw
this last night, I think I died laughing.
8. I will maim anyone who spoils me for fifth season Queer As Folk (US). MAIM.
9. I still want to know where you'd rather live:
Serenity or Moya?
10. People who don't know I have been watching Veronica Mars since the premiere and try to pimp it to me -- this is probably my fault as I haven't been posting that much about it, but I promise to more in the future. Because it is my favoritest thing of all favorite things. (...all things that are new on television, tied with House. Of course.)