Sorry, it's stuck in my head. Chicago was definitely a fantastic must-see. I won't even try to compare it to Moulin Rouge!, which had the added factors of heartsmashing angst and Ewan McGregor. God I need to watch that again. But still. Chicago. Marvelously well done. Zellweger, Zeta-Jones, Gere, Reilly, and Queen Latifah were all amazing. And Taye Diggs is of the sexy.
Regarding next week's Buffy trailer, all I can say is, "That's the best thing I've ever had in my mouth." Fhat the wuck? So not going there. I guess the tKiM trailer was a fluke.
I guess I should stop referring to my LiveJournal vacations as exoduses. Or, I guess that would be exodi? Exodi it is. Maybe I will call them migrations. Hmm. I won't even try to reply to my friends posts, there is just way too many. But, in general, I send healing vibes to all those with crappy days (I'm talking to you,
anniesj) and I give a full-hearted cringe to the whole James thing. Simply put, I love Spike. Freaking mind-blowing character. Portrayed by one of the most talented actors today, James Marsters. James may or may not have the highest level of maturity, singing talent, songwriting talent, whatever. (Those lyrics. Sparkling feet! *eg*) He may be the geekiest geek of geekville. But I still love Spike. I have spoken my piece, and I now bow out of the discussion.
rashaka? Why don't the pictures from the Buffy magazine show up? Is there something wrong with my browser?
Er, um. I feel boring. Maybe I'll have more to say about tKiM later. I really liked this ep. The S/B (sex now, please?) was classic X-Files and I loved it all the same, Willow made me cry at the end, and Andrew made me laugh hysterically when he subtly grabbed his ass when referring to the First which would "have its way with [him]." Dancing schnauzers, too. Ass-face. Great episode for one-liners. Loved Adam Busch, terrific actor. I still like Kennedy, not sure how I feel about W/K. Warrenedy is hot, though. Thanks for your commentary,
spikespeigel Oh, and can fucking Ashanti just go away? Please?