So, when people have computers with more than a 5.5 GB harddrive, do they save all of their CDs to their mp3 library?
Because instead of 500 MBs free, I now have 55 GBs. And a CD burner. And a DVD player. And Photoshop 7. And wi-fi internet.
My brain is exploding with all of the possibilities.
Right now I'm downloading all of the programs and codecs that I need. Next I'm moving onto Tissa's
heavenly post where I'll finally be able to download FONTS. And BRUSHES. Goddamn.
Throughout this week I'll transfer all of my stuff from my almost-dead computer. Which means: firefly ficathon fic.
Goodbye, Little Train That Couldn't.
Hello, Yossarian.
Yes, I named my new computer after the main character of 'Catch-22', what?
One last thing. Does anyone know where, besides eBay, I could find
this chocolate poster? No reason.
ETA: Okay, I'm sorry. I feel really dumb.
voleuse? Can I actually order something from Amazon to be shipped to you? Or do I have to order it for me, then personally ship it to you. Because in the case of the former [and, eventually, the latter], I need your street address. :)