Quote of the night? "Dick is the new pussy!"
Just came home from this weird-ass theater festival thing at Dominican University. It was a bunch of one acts; I performed a play called Recess with Denni, a friend of mine. But more importantly, there was a play called Manorexia. About three men at a support meeting for weight problems. One was skinny and trying to gain weight, one had always been the 'fat kid' and was trying to lose weight, and one was a gay bulemic [his bulemia was tied in with dealing with his sexuality]. The first was young and rude and homophobic and very...descriptive. He supplied that lovely quote. Which I find very, very, funny, but also I am a terrible person. So that could be why.
The night's plays ended with a Yanni interpretive dance piece. I am not kidding at all. I almost cried, I was laughing so hard. Still not sure if it was supposed to be funny.
I don't think I mentioned this, but while in New York, the night I saw 'Thoroughly Modern Millie' at the Marquis Theatre...which is in the Marquis Hotel...the GLAAD Awards were being hosted there. And I didn't enter the theatre from the lobby [where the GLAAD guests were signing in] until I absolutely had to, because I wanted to spot actors and other entertainers and possibly even the Queer Eye. But alas, no. I don't even know who ended up showing up.
Dude, it's really sad that Angelina Jolie looks hotter than Colin Farrell in the EW article about 'Alexander'. They are supposed to be equal amounts of hot!
But now, David Duchovny is going to be on Conan O'Brien, so I must scurry away. [ETA: Or, y'know. I could wait until 12:37 when Conan actually starts. Ooh! XF on SciFi! 'Demons'! Nekkid Mulder! Eee!] Last night Mommac and I dug out all of our old unorganized tapes of random recorded X-Files from all seasons. We had a night of nostalgia. Le sigh. MSR!
Angel or Spike?
I would have to say Spike. Even though I have this great love for Angel, in a kinda 'aw, he's such a tragically flawed dork' way.
Buffy or Willow?
Easiest question ever. Buffy is my One True Character. And this is not like my OTPs or OT3s, where I have multiple ones for each fandom, but she is my one, my only. Though Malcolm Reynolds could compete. Maybe.
Fred or Cordelia?
Cordelia. Cordelia in 'Billy', especially. That was the heart of what I loved about Cordelia.
Xander or Oz?
Oz. OMG. I would say I was the biggest Oz fan in teh wurld, but then
lauranobaka would kill me.
Lilah or Lindsey?
See, this is too hard. I remember when Lilah came, and she was all trying to be as cool as Lindsey. And I was all, biatch, no you DIDN'T. And then Lindsey left, and Gavin came, and I was all, dude, Lilah's the shit and should kick Gavin's weaselly little ass. And then I really missed Lindsey. And then Lilah/Wesley happened, and my AtS OTP was born. And then I still really missed Lindsey. And then Lilah died and my world ended. And then Lindsey came back. And I now I miss Lilah more than anything else on AtS. So my answer is BOTH. Damn straight.
Giles or Joyce?
Giles. I wish I had a rakish uncle like him! [coughcough-catch the life serial reference-coughcough] I never really appreciated Joyce until she died.
Wesley or Gunn?
Wesley. I like my Wesley psychopathic, armed, deadly, ruthless, careless, rude, at the bottom of his luck and scary. as. fuck. And hopefully fucking Lilah. [Though actually, there was a time when I favored Gunn. Believe it or not. I miss ghetto-homeboy-Gunn. We die horribly and painfully, you go to hell and I spend eternity in the arms of baby Jesus.]
Anya or Tara?
Well, hmmm. I only liked Tara from 'Tabula Rasa' until her death, and I only really liked Anya from 'Hell's Bells' through 'Selfless'. But Anya had better lines, so I guess Anya.
Connor or Dawn?
Connor. Oh my poor bon-bon. ::weeps::
Kate or Jenny?
Kate annoyed me. Jenny slightly did as well. But I guess Jenny, because sigh. Poor Giles.
Darla or Drusilla?
Darla. Yes indeedy. I am a whore for Darla.
Who is the best couple?
- Buffy w/Angel, Spike, Riley, Parker, or Scott?
Um. Guess.
- Angel w/Buffy, Fred, Cordelia, Eve, Darla or Drusilla?
OMGAngel(us)/DarlaOTP! No. No, I don't think so. Once he's gone, I won't be okay. I won't be okay at all. I don't know what I'll be. Angel...our baby is gonna die right here in this alley. You died in an alley, remember? I wanna say I'm sorry. I wanna say it and mean it, but -- I can't. Aren't you gonna tell me it's okay? No? It's really not, is it? We did so many terrible things together. So much destruction, so much...pain. We can't make up for any of it. You know that, don't you. This child -- Angel, it's the one good thing we ever did together. The only good thing. You make sure to tell him that. Teh angst.
- Fred w/Wesley, Gunn, Angel, Spike, or Knox (aka the devil)?
I guess Knox. Because I heart Jonathan M. Woodward.
- Xander w/Willow, Anya, Cordelia or Inca Mummy Girl?
Cordelia. X/C left me feeling the most unresolved out of all the 'ships in the series, I think. And in 'The Prom', when he bought her dress she wanted. Awww. They were so great.
- Willow w/Xander, Oz, Tara or Kennedy?
OMGWillow/OzOTP! I was waiting. I feel like some part of me will always be waiting for you. Like if I'm old and blue-haired, and I turn the corner in Istanbul and there you are, I won't be surprised. Because... you're with me, you know? Sob. They WILL meet in Istanbul, dammit.
Some questions about Buffy.
What is your favorite overall episode?
You know, I've been thinking about this, and I think it's 'Restless'. I'm not sure why, except that it touched on a theme of the Slayer and the adventure/fantasy genre that I always wanted them to go, but they never really did any other time.
What episode did you cry the most in?
Oddly enough, 'The Wish'. Because I was sick the first time I watched it. And I literally sobbed to the point of coughing spasms. Thus began my obsession with the EVERYONE DIES scenario.
What episode do you wish you could erase?
'As You Were'. I can't even fathom the ultimate stupidity that was that plotline. And I wish I could put in an episode between 'Dead Things' and 'Older And Far Away', because they should NOT have dealt with the aftermath of all that fucked up angst and beating-up-in-the-alley the way they did. Even Marti Noxon admitted it was stupid of them. Well, now that I think about it, no matter how in-character you can prove the AR to be, they just should have NOT. FUCKING. GONE. THERE. I don't give a shit about anyone's arguments. This is one thing I am utterly obstinant about. Though they conversation before it is one of the most revealing Spike/Buffy conversations ever. Great love is wild and passionate and dangerous. It burns and consumes...Until there's nothing left.
Who is your favorite character?
Buffy. Like I said. One True Character.
Who is your least favorite character?
Xander. And I say this with reluctance, because there were times when I loved him to death. But there were also many times when I hated his guts for being possessive, judgemental, inconsiderate, and just basically an asshole.
Some questions about Angel.
What is your favorite overall episode?
Sleep Tight. Sleep Tight. Sleep Tight. But really, technically, 'Loyalty' through 'Forgiving'. Life. Life is funny. Listening to stupid people talking to hamburgers is funny. Worrying about things that will never... - It's all so incredibly funny and - and beautiful.
Who is your least favorite character?
Gavin Park. Ecch.
What episode were you most surprised by?
Either 'The Trial' [oh god, the end, when Dru comes in] or 'Heartthrob'. Because I flipped out when I saw Darla's pregnant belly.
If Angel and Spike had a rematch, would Spike still win?
Who knows. If you judge the fact that Spike only won because Angel feels unmotivated and trapped, then I guess he would still win because Angel has only sunk farther into the gloom. But it all depends on the circustances.
ETA3: Aren't there usually torrents of Conan? I swear I've d/l-ed them before. Because I need to download this and watch it over and over again. David/ConanOTP!!11!!one!1! Is it wrong and stupid and dumb that I squeed over the fact that David watched the episode 'Fire' last night that aired on TNT and I watched it too and he pointed out an error in the continuity and made his 'paralyzed-by-fear-of-fire' face and I will never be able to watch that episode again without cracking up? Oh man.