Adam Baldwin is 6'4".
David Boreanaz is 6'1".
Hopefully this will solve all the debates I've seen all day.
Now, I must go back to avoiding the work that I've been avoiding all day. And sniffling over Luke.
A few spoilers for The OC // The Proposal )
Comments 14
And I don't think Jayne/turtle/Vera is an OT3 because I think the turtle and Vera each have very different (but equally special) one-on-one relationships with Jayne. And not so much a relationship with each other.
I am also eternally sad that I will probably never get to see AB hold up a stuffed turtle and say "his floppy neck is makin' me sad."
That is one of the great tragedies of our times. The mental image alone is something I shall treasure always. *g*
That is very true. They each have their own separate relationships. Though I suspect Vera might be having a fling with Mal.
I am also eternally sad that I will probably never get to see AB hold up a stuffed turtle and say "his floppy neck is makin' me sad."
Which is why I made this icon. It makes it just a bit better.
Hee - I didn't even get around to posting yet, but thank you. :) He did seem to be looming over David, who I tend to think of as being fairly tall.
And Adam Baldwin is my baby daddy.
That is the cutest expression ever. You're lucky we are the same person because otherwise I would have to fight with you over the use of "my". And now for some reason I have the pigeons from Finding Nemo saying "mine mine mine" on constant loop in my head. Disturbing.
You know what Angel was thinking as Jayne Hamilton walked away? "He must wear lifts." And Spike was equally impressed.
I'm waiting faithfully for your reviews as always. I feel like Penelope--only in the waiting though. I can't claim that I've denied other reviews access into my mind.
Actually, 'my baby daddy' is just the ghetto way of saying 'my baby's daddy'. I was being ghetto. Um, yeah.
And Angel was SO checking Hamilton out. As was Spike.
Does that make me Odysseus? Don't worry, I will review soon enough.
Dude. That was SO AWESOME. I miss him already! Sniff.
And dude, Summer and Seth cannot get any cuter. They got even CUTER this week, until after the dinner thing. Er, have you seen it? I hope you have.
Caleb IS SCARY and the Bob Seger was Teh Awesome.
Is the Jayne/Turtle thing from that episode script that I still haven't read yet? I must get on that.
Summer and Seth were even CUTER this week, with their reuniting-ness. See, *that* was creative relationship angst, with father's approval and prostitutes. Unlike Ryan/marissa which is just my hed iz pastede on yay.
I think I heart Caleb now. Cos he's such a conniving bastard.
Have you STILL not read the script? Because, dude. Jayne/Turtle. O. T. P.
Summer and Seth. I give in. I like 'em. Especially since Summer is all trying to be nice to him, but still being her naive self. And now that Seth is all dorky!angsty. ::hugs him::
I can't decide on Caleb. All I know is that I need to figure out if the actor who plays him is the same actor who played the doctor in the Friends finale.
I read the script! I read it! Jayne/Turtle OTP!
Summer/Seth! ::cries at the angst::
No, dude! The actor who was the doctor on the friends finale was Linwood on AtS. Y'know, the guy that Lilah beheaded.
YAY! Jayne/Turtle! And possibly Vera as well!
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