the best part of waking up! or something.

Jan 08, 2004 13:17

Today I opened my front door to see a plumber crack.

Actually, it was an electrician, or whoever you call to fix your heater. But still, there was an ASSCRACK in my face as soon as I entered the door. It was a moment of zen, in a way.

Speaking of moments of zen, The Daily Show had a pretty great one last night: "If you had asked me, six months ago, what a dried-up lake bed on Mars looked like, well, I would have told you it looked a lot like that." From the mouths of babes, er, a rocket scientist.

Jon got a lot of humor out of the mad cow disease, speaking of the recalled cow products and the countries that have banned U.S. beef. "Some countries have also banned our french fries because we cook them in cow fat; tragically preventing the spread of freedom. France...DAMN you, Chirac!"

Then later, a correspondent on Mars got eaten by an alien.

Also, Elijah was yummy and funny. As usual, looked like he was twelve.

::hugs the jon::

Today I also had to put up with another jingoistic fuckwit. I'm sorry, yes. France was invaded twice by Germany in the same fashion. And the fuckwit laughed at that when it came up in a discussion and mockingly said, "Ah, the French. Very smart." Well you know what? You're a fuckwit! You just think it's fashionable to mock the French because of our fuckwit government. And besides, who do you think won the Battle of Yorktown, essentially ending the Revolutionary War? It sure wasn't George Washington, contrary to the fuckwit history books.

Sorry, I hate this guy for many other reasons as well. He's a fuckwit.

::eats a baguette and dons a beret::

The gnomes have stolen the Run Lola Run DVD I got for Christmas. It seriously disappeared.

Happy Birthday, David Bowie!

Uh, I *did* have a purpose to this post originally.

crazy people, the daily show, ver, lotr, bowie, lola rennt, alias

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