I'm am shitfacedd fucksing drunk and none of you fuckwiteedd bitchesd know it except ha I've been watching stupid ass videos on the internets (not those videos perverted you peopple) and there kis some funny shit bored teenage losers put up there for the edfication of the masses let me tell you. And yuou wouldn't know I was fucked up either exceot that I'm telling it all on the internet like said losers! And bastard parents too, explains why we're all so fucked doesn't it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txqiwrbYGrs Fucking hell. Remind me to erase rthis shit tomorrow pleaze.
Dylan and whosis--Hemingthing- sorry I disappeared at ther party. There was free caboodle and then a malleable freshman kit to go withit and I woke up who the fucknowswhere the next morning. Good times.