Smolder Lane Part XIII

Oct 12, 2012 17:46

“Come with me and escape…” Evie and Jlyn finish the song to a loud round of applause. They bow, giggle, and run off stage back to their table.

“Wow sisters! You commanded that stage!” LOTSLove laughs.

“Yeah we did!” Jlyn high fives Evie.

“Uh oh…” Bradley suddenly frowns. “Isn’t that your friend up there?” They all turn to the stage and see Taylor taking the microphone.

“Aw, hell, no,” Jlyn and Evie say in unison.

“Who wants to bet he takes his pants off?” Caroline asks.

“I think no one would win that bet because we’d all bet he would,” LOTSLove responds.

“I was like, good gracious, ass is bodacious... Flirtatious, trying to show faces… I'm waiting for the right time to shoot my steez you know…” Taylor begins singing and prancing around the stage. Half the crowd is laughing while the other half is singing along and dancing.

“I am going to have nightmares,” Jlyn says aloud and takes another swig of champagne.

“He is certainly a character,” Laurilee adds.

“Character? Try nuisance,” Evie scoffs.

“Cause I feel like busting loose…And I feel like touching you, uh uh…And can't nobody stop the juice…So baby tell me what's the use?” Taylor continues.

“Well, he is entertaining,” Craig laughs as Taylor beings to unbutton his shirt.

“No! Please!” Jlyn shuts her eyes.

“You know you want to look at it!” Evie laughs.

“And there go the pants!” Caroline starts laughing loudly as Taylor is now in his Scooby Doo boxers.

“Scooby dooby do? Where are you?” Orlando starts singing.

“Covering Taylor’s business…” Evie sings.

“It's getting hot in here, so hot, so take off all your clothes…I am, getting so hot, I wanna take my clothes off!” Taylor finished the song to a round of applause. He bows and collects his clothes and runs back to the table. “How’d I do?”

“I was so overcome with emotion I had to close my eyes,” Jlyn tells him. Evie snorts and spits her drink on Jlyn.

“Hey!” Jlyn screeches.

“Karma, dear sister!” Evie giggles.

“Could you please put your clothes back on?” LOTSLove grimaces. Only one man she’d like to see in Scooby Doo boxers and he prefers his Back to the Future ones. Taylor shrugs and redresses himself.

“Are you going to sing, Craig?” Caroline asks him.

“I am,” he smiles.

“You are?” LOTSLove asks.

“Yep,” he winks at her and takes the stage once his name is announced.

“Oh, what is he going to sing?” Evie asks.

“Sometimes I get a good feeling…” Craig begins to sing.

“I love this song!” Jlyn exclaims.

“And I love him!” LOTSLove screams.

“I think Africa heard you,” Evie comments.

“Oh, oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah I get a feeling that I never never had before… no no I get a feeling, yeah… Oh oh, sometimes I get a good feeling… yeah I get a feeling that I never never had before… no no I get a feeling, yeah…” Craig continues to sing to the delight of LOTSLove and his friends.

“Woo! Go Craigee!” LOTSLove hollers from her chair.

“Oh oh, sometimes I get a good feeling… yeah I get a feeling that I never never never never had before… no no I get a good feeling, yeah!” Craig finishes the song to loud applause and cheering. He bows and smiles as he trots back over to his table. LOTSLove grabs him in a kiss.

“I do say, Craig, that was fantastic but Evie and I were pretty awesome too!” Jlyn tells him and Evie giggles.

“I think these two are sloshed and it may be time to go home,” Brendan eyes his wife.

“I am not!” Evie pouts.

“I acquiesce!” Jlyn pouts too.

“Yep, Jlyn is using big words…time to go,” Rob laughs.

“You just want to go home because a certain dairy product is waiting for us,” Jlyn bellows a laugh.

“Oh, naughty!” Evie giggles.

“You gave it to us!” Jlyn reminds her.

“Go me!” Evie smiles.

“Let’s go ladies,” Brendan helps Evie up.

“Can’t take them anywhere,” LOTSLove shakes her head and smiles as they all head for the door. They bid farewell to Laurilee and Bradley, who are still jumping for joy over their tropical trip. The others are getting into the limo. Jlyn insists on getting in last, as she wants no dog hair on her dress. Her and Evie are about to climb in when Evie sees Chris getting in the limo next to them.

“Good night, Evelyn,” he tells her. Jlyn and Evie freeze. Evie then laughs.

“Laters, baby!” She giggles.

“Evelyn Grace Fraser!” Jlyn shoves her in the limo and climbs in behind her, leaving Chris confused and chuckling to himself. Evie flops in on Brendan and laughs hysterically.

“Seriously! You two!” LOTSLove chastises them.

“She did it!” Jlyn curls up on Rob’s lap.

“What did you do?” Caroline asks.

“Nothing!” Evie responds.

“Liar!” Jlyn accuses and then laughs.

“They are not allowed champagne for awhile,” Rob tells them.

“I like the bubbles,” Evie admits.

“I like fruit snacks but I do not overdose on them,” LOTSLove comments.

“Is fruit snack a nick name for Craig?” Jlyn snickers as LOTSLove blushes.

“Uh oh…” Caroline points towards the front window as the limo comes to a stop.

“Oh my god! They are doing sobriety checks!” Taylor screeches when he sees the red and blue lights flashing.

“Dude, calm down. We are not driving,” Craig reminds.

“I want to see!” Evie stands up through the moon roof.

“Me too!” Jlyn joins her.

“Have fun putting them to bed,” LOTSLove comments to Rob and Brendan.

“Oh! Some drunks are getting in trouble!” Evie snorts.

“You snorted!” Jlyn laughs.

“That is dangerous you know,” Chris’ voice echoed up at them. They looked down and see Chris has rolled down his window and is looking up at them.

“This is perfectly safe,” Evie tells him.

“I’d prefer if you’d go back in,” he tells her.

“And who are you tell me what to do?” Evie asks.

“Aw, shit, Evie, don’t piss him off…” Jlyn whispers to her.

“Get inside. Now,” he demands.

“Mister bossy pants over here,” Evie giggles.

“Now Evelyn!” He yells at her. Jlyn and Evie both freeze at his intensity.

“Fine! Keep your pants on!” Evie rolls her eyes.

“Stop doing that,” he yells again. “Go.”

“Come one, troublemaker,” Jlyn pulls Evie back inside with her.

“Who were you yelling at up there?” Rob looks at them as the two ladies make it back to their cozy spots on Rob and Brendan’s laps.

“Chris,” Jlyn tells them nonchalantly.

“What?” Brendan frowns.

“Someone needs to spank his crabby ass!” Evie tells them.

“I think I know who that someone is…” Jlyn whispers.

“Hey!” Evie gives Jlyn a playful smack.

“You two are playing with fire, you both need to stop,” Rob chastises them.

“Who? Us?” Jlyn asks innocently.

“No, the other two crazy ladies sticking their heads out of limos,” LOTSLove adds sarcastically.

“Taco Bell!” Taylor suddenly screams.

“Oh no! He has contracted turrets syndrome!” Evie says.

“I was just making an observation,” Taylor tells them.

“Are we home yet?” Caroline asks as the others laugh. Jlyn and Evie needed to be put to bed, while Caroline and LOTSLove wanted to go home to their bed. The limo pulls onto their block and they all get out, except Taylor who is being driven home separately.

“Thank the spirits; I thought he’d ask to sleepover!” Jlyn says, relieved.

“Go to bed my sloshed sisters,” LOTSLove hugs them and Caroline before her and Craig leave. Caroline and Orlando day good by and head out as well.

“Well you two have a lot to discuss!” Jlyn looks at Brendan and Evie. She then hugs Evie good bye.

“Good night, sister!” Evie hugs back as Rob and Brendan say good bye.

“So, what do we need to talk about it?” Brendan looks at his wife...

crack, smolder lane

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