4/6: Team, Meet Torchwood

Dec 01, 2013 22:48

Title: Team, Meet Torchwood
Rating: PG-13 (swearing)
Summary: NCIS/Torchwood crossover, It's too early to expand the team
Length: 348 words
Disclaimer: Stuff does not belong to me

Things had been moving very quickly. The afternoon of the day that Gibbs had met with the Torchwood operative, his team had been moved out of the bullpen to a separate office equipped with jamming equipment and enough fancy computer equipment to scare McGee.

Over the next four days, new machines had arrived for Abby’s lab and a plethora of books and equipment had been sent down to autopsy. The team had been spoken to individually by Ianto Jones and each one was keeping quiet, wondering if they were going crazy or if everyone on the team had been told that aliens were real.

When they arrived on Monday morning a week after Ianto Jones had told Gibbs that aliens were real, the new office space was already full of the new team, straight from Cardiff, Wales. The man from the old picture, wearing what seemed to be an exact replica of the WWII coat was grinning ear to ear and offered each team member a handshake and a hug if they’d take it.

“Pleasure to meet you, NCIS. Captain Jack Harkness.” He winked at Abby. His accent was surprisingly American and even given the time difference, he seemed remarkably chipper.

The rest of the Torchwood team seemed more subdued. Gibbs had received dossiers on each of them, save Harkness and Gibbs could pick them out. The man who was sleeping on his folded arms was Doctor Harper, the woman with the frizzy hair that was hanging onto a coffee cup for dear life was Costello, the Asian woman was Doctor Sato, she was leaning against Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones topped it all off, his faint smile was hiding just out of sight on his smug face.

The six NCIS team members outnumbered the Torchwood people, but despite being on home territory, it felt unwelcoming, Torchwood had claimed the space and them and they weren’t ready for that yet. All the new elements had been introduced very quickly and real aliens were, as Abby put it when they were finally allowed to talk to each other, “hinky”.

char:suzie costello, fandom:ncis, char:leroy jethro gibbs, char:gwen cooper, fic, genre: crossover, fandom:torchwood, char:owen harper, char: captain jack harkness, char:abby sciuto, char:toshiko sato

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