30 Day Challenge: Day 26 Willow/Tara)

Sep 11, 2014 20:26

Title: Day 26 (Sex at work/school)
Word Count: 126
Warnings: sex in a bathroom
Summary: The closest private spot is the best one.

"But Giles?"

"I'm more worried about Anya." Willow whispered into Tara's ear.

Tara laughed. "She'd probably try to join in."

"Yeah, c'mon is that your best effort?" Willow hiked Tara's skirt a little higher and worked her fingers between the blonde's hot, wet folds. She rolled the nub of Tara's clit between her thumb and knuckles.

"It's kind of hard." Tara pushed Willow back, but now Willow's hip was pressing hard against the sink. "Lift your leg a little."

"And put it where? I can't just hold it in mid-air." Willow complained, but she tried and Tara's fingers got a deeper angle, rubbing over her g-spot.

"Aw, that's better." Willow sucked on Tara's neck. "This is perfect."

"The bathroom at the magic shop?"

"It's a magical experience." Willow replied.

rating:nc-17, genre: smut, genre: femslash, fic, !30 days challenge, fandom:buffy the vampire slayer, char:tara maclay, char:willow rosenberg

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