30 Day Challenge: Day 25 (Willow/Tara)

Aug 24, 2014 22:05

Title: Day 25 (Sensory Deprivation)
Word Count: 640
Warnings: Dead character, dub-con, blindfolds, restraints, magical containment
Summary: Willow hears and feels Tara everywhere.

"You look so good." Tara's voice wrapped around Willow like a warm blanket. In the same way the silk had settled over her eyes and the cords had wrapped around her wrists, it suspended her in warmth and happiness.

"Just relax. Feel the sheet under you, listen to my voice." Tara smoothed warm hands down Willow's sides, over her hips and down to her feet. "Focus on each breath you take it, feel your lungs expand and empty."

Willow breathed through her nose and let herself sink into the mattress. The restraints on her wrists tugged and she breathed through that too, distancing herself from the physical sensations.

"Uh uh uh." Tara's hands dragged across her belly this time. "Stay with me Willow. Focus on your body, on the things you can hear. Not thinking right now."

Willow nodded and she was rewarded with another one of the long strokes from Tara's hands.

"So beautiful." Thumbs ran across Willow's face and she pressed into them, glad for the contact. "If you could open your eyes and be anywhere in the world, where would you be?"

Willow took a deep breath, Tara's hand was on her chest now and it rose and fell with the movement.

"In our bedroom, at Buffy's house. The sun would just be coming through the window and it would light you from behind. Your hair glows in the sun."

"That sounds lovely." Tara's hands stroked her again. "And who would I be?"

"Tara." Willow whispered. "You'd be Tara." She pulled at the restraints around her wrists and the warm hands smoothed up her arms and for a second there was a spark of pain before the muscles from her fingers to her shoulders went lax and she sunk back into the bed.

"None of that." Tara said. "This is good Willow." Gentle fingers brushed over her blindfold and the fabric soaked up her tears. "What would you like to do now?"

Willow took a deep breath and squashed ideas of destruction and pain and suffering inside herself. Those were no answers. "I want to-"

"Willow." Tara's hand settled warm on her chest, between her breasts.

"I want to go to the water chamber." Willow whispered.

"Yes." Tara said and a finger ran along Willow's collar bone, leaving a tiny stinging line of pain behind it. As it faded, Willow felt warm hands, more than just Tara's lift her from the bed, they must have released her wrists. She couldn't see where they took her, but the sounds of wheels clacking over tiles meant the main hall and she could hear doors open and close.

When a door opened and a rush of steam came out Willow sighed.

"How do you feel?" Tara asked.

"Sad. Tired." Willow said as hands lifted her again and she was slowly lowered into the water. She was floating now, her arms were tethered to the sides of the tub and her head was fastened into the small floating platform to keep her from drowning.

"Close your eyes." Tara warned. "I'm going to remove the blindfold now."

Willow closed her eyes and Tara's careful hands eased the silk from her head.

"Open your eyes whenever you feel ready. I'll be waiting here." Tara said.

Willow kept her eyes closed. If she opened them she'd have to see the woman sitting next to the pool and it wasn't Tara. Tara wasn't here, Tara would never be here, Tara was dead.

"Shh, relax." The woman's hands smoothed over Willow's face. "We're moving past that. You are getting much better."

Willow nodded but she kept her eyes closed. As long as she didn't open them, she could feel Tara and hear her. She didn't have to be in the witches sanctuary in England, surrounded by magic and sedated to stop her from destroying the world.

rating:nc-17, genre: smut, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: femslash, fic, !30 days challenge, fandom:buffy the vampire slayer, warning: dubcon, char:tara maclay, char:willow rosenberg

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