30 Day Challenge: Day 22 (Willow/Tara)

Aug 13, 2014 14:58

Title: Day 22 (Public/Semi-Public Sex)
Word Count: 875
Warnings: Sex in a public place. Fucking
Summary: Willow takes Tara into the back of the library and pulls a dildo out of her pants.

"Here? Really?" Tara looked at Willow and when she saw the glow in Willow's eyes, she knew she was going to go through with this.

"Yeah right here. Everybody all around us, not knowing what we're doing. This is a secret just for us." Willow said, her voice was low and she put down her pen and touched Tara's arm with a warm hand.

Tara squeaked when she felt stocking clad toes on her ankle and she blushed furiously as they moved up her leg, disappearing inside her long skirt. "How do we do this?"

"When Buffy comes back from the bathroom, we'll go back into the stacks. There's this little alcove, it's always empty. You'll take your underwear off and I'm going to bend you over the desk and fuck you hard."

Tara didn't think she could blush any more. "Here? Are you wearing it?" She slipped out of her loafers and trailed a toe up Willow's leg. The redhead was wearing stocking under her short skirt, but it didn't take Tara long to travel up to Willow's thighs and she could feel the hard plastic poking out. "Condom?"

"Already on. I lubed it up too."

"You're not putting that thing up my ass!"

Willow smiled."I know. I just thought you might be a little tense, I didn't want it to hurt."

Tara hissed Willow withdrew her foot. "If we don't go soon, there's going to be a puddle on the chair when I stand up."

"That's what I want to hear. I think we can save your skirt. Buffy's back."

Willow stood and Tara followed suit. She had to sit back down to put her shoes on, and when Buffy sat down at the table, Tara blushed again. Her heart was beating fast and she felt like Buffy could tell what they were going off to do.

Tara took the hand Willow offered and she followed her girlfriend into the stacks of the library. Her legs were unsteady and her heart raced faster and faster as they twisted and turned through the walls of books.

"Ready?" Willow asked and she put Tara's hand over her crotch. The hard dildo was very noticeable now and Tara wondered how long Willow had been wearing it. And how she'd managed to wear all day without attracting attention.

"I love you." Tara kissed her when they stopped. This study cubicle was secluded and as luck would have it, empty.

"Mmm." Willow pulled away. "I'm gonna fuck you good."

Tara laughed nervously. They didn't usually talk to each other like that. She could count on one hand the number of times Willow had said 'fuck' to her. But there was fluid leaking out of her and something in her lower parts was telling her that this was a very good idea.

"Lose your panties." Willow said and she undid her pants and pulled the dildo out. It was one of the smaller ones, it had to be, for her to hide it in her pants. She fiddled with it for a moment and Tara could hear the buzz of the vibrator resting against Willow's clit.

"Ready." Tara put her underwear into her pocket and Willow bent her forward on the desk. "Uu!" Tara squeaked when Willow hiked up her skirt and the warm slick condom pressed into her asscrack. "I said not in the back!"

"I won't." Willow's hands nudged her legs apart and Tara braced her elbows on the desk. One of Willow's fingers prodded her and spread the dripping folds of her pussy apart. Tara took a deep breath as Willow pushed in and bit down on the back of her hand to keep from making any noise.

"Problem?" Willow asked, her chest pressed up against Tara's back.

"So good." Tara rocked her hips to feel the dildo press against her g-spot and Willow's fingers pinched her clit. "I need this. Move." She thrust back into Willow hard enough to make the metal legs of the desk groan.

Willow started moving with her and Tara was slammed into the desk again and again. "Anyone could see us. Could hear you." Willow said, her voice low. She broke up each word with her thrusts and Tara's entire body was shaking now, she was nearly there.

"You're the one talking." Tara whispered back. Her knees were threatening to give out and it felt like Willow and the dildo were the only things keeping her from falling to the dirty carpet on the library floor.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"God no!" Tara's breasts heaved as she came and she collapsed onto the desk, her arms shaking and her legs quivering too much to support her weight.

"You liked that." Willow pulled the dildo out with an obscene squelching noise.

"Next time I'll f-f-fuck you." Tara said and her stutter returned for a moment. She pulled her skirt down and straightened up. "Did you get where you needed to go?" She asked as she turned around.

"Yeah baby." Willow grinned at her, one hand down her pants and the other up her shirt. "You look so good right now."

Tara smiled and when she leaned in for a kiss, she put one of her hands down Willow's pants.

rating:nc-17, genre: smut, genre: femslash, fic, !30 days challenge, fandom:buffy the vampire slayer, char:tara maclay, char:willow rosenberg

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