30 Day Challenge: Day 19 (Willow/Tara)

Aug 07, 2014 22:29

Title: Day 19 (Oral Sex)
Word Count: 540
Warnings: first time oral, smut
Summary: You want me to lick you where?

"Like with my mouth?" Willow whispered.

"That's what oral means." Tara's voice was quiet and her breath was hot in Willow's ear.

"I haven't, I don't think I'll be as good as you were. . ."

"Everyone has to learn sometime." Tara stroked her hair and Willow managed a shy smile. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

Willow blushed and pulled the covers up over her naked body a little high. "No, no, I want to do something for you. I want to try."

Tara smiled and tugged the covers out of Willow's hands. She let her legs splay apart and ran a finger through her wet folds.

"I'm gonna, you'll have to help me." Willow left Tara's embrace and wormed down the bed until she could rest her head on Tara's thigh. She'd fallen asleep in a similar position the night before. It was warm here and she could reach out and make Tara shake and moan.

"Keep going." Tara whispered. Willow moved over her thigh and rested her head on place where the first dark hairs between Tara's legs sprouted.

Willow rolled her head and her nose pushed against the very top of the folds, nudging them apart. Her tongue darted out and tasted the skin and liquid coating it. She moved it around in her mouth, contemplating the taste. It wasn't as if she'd never touched herself and tasted it, but this was different. Tara didn't taste like she did and Willow still wasn't sure if she liked the taste of woman. She'd never tasted man and she had nothing to compare it to.

"Like that." Tara lifted her hips and Willow's face was mashed into her crotch. "Sorry." She settled back down.

"I'm good." Willow moved lower, her nose doing all the touching. Her lips ran over the smooth inner skin of Tara's folds and the liquid helped them to slide. She passed the inner lips and nosed against the opening. When her tongue darted out again Willow tried to ready herself for the taste and she licked over the opening of Tara's pussy.

"Nice." Tara hummed and Willow licked over it again. "Remember too, remember the clit."

"Right." Willow said, and that made Tara's legs twitch under her. She breathed out a long, slow, warm breath of air right onto Tara's most delicate parts and was spurred on by the reaction she got.

Willow searched around with her tongue until she found Tara's clit. She knew, from science classes, that the clit was huge and the little nub on the outside was just the tip of the ice berg. But she'd never thought that the little nub could be huge too.

"Willow!" Tara thrust towards her and Willow bit down on the sensitive flesh between her teeth.

"Oh my god! Tara! I'm sorry." Willow sat up and spun around. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

The look on Tara's face wasn't one of pain. It was blissful and her lips were parted. Willow knew that face.

"Really?" Willow asked, sinking down next to Tara on the pillows.

"What?" Tara stroked haphazardly across Willow's breasts and chest.


Tara shrugged. "Sometimes a little pain. . ." She gestured to Willow's crotch. "Let me show you."

!30 days challenge, fic, fandom:buffy the vampire slayer, genre: smut, char:tara maclay, genre: femslash, char:willow rosenberg

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