30 Day Challenge: Day 7 (Willow/Tara)

Jun 17, 2014 04:15

Title: Day 7 (Creative Sexual Position)
Word Count: 718
Warnings:Smut, probably very unsafe and impossible sex
Summary: Willow wants to try a new type of 69ing. They just need a bungee cord.

“This isn’t right.” Willow closed her legs and consulted her printouts again. The little diagrams of pink figures were so not helpful and the amount of thinking and positions required was killing the mood.

Tara let her legs flop down to the bed and rolled onto her side to see the instructions. “Are you sure you want to do this. . .the whirly quack dog?” She read the name of the position off of the paper.

“It’ll be good if we can figure it out.” Willow promised, fitting her fingers together and wiggling them as she tried to mime body arrangements they were attempting.

They sat in silence, arousal slacking as Willow's face contorted and she somehow managed to get her fingers so tangled up Tara had to help her separate them.

"I think I've got it." Willow grabbed the extra pillows off of the floor and took two of the bungee cords out of her toolkit. "So, you're on the bed."

Tara knelt on the bed, transferring to all fours at Willow's motions. "Like this?"

"Not quite." Willow took a step back and measured some distance with her hands. "Can you lift one of your legs up in the air?"

Tara stuck one of her legs up, like a dog peeing on the fire hydrant. "Really?"

Willow shook her head. "It has to be both of them. Okay. . . try putting your hands on the floor and resting your legs, just up to your knees, on the bed."

It took a minute and several pillows until Tara was arranged comfortably in this new position.

"Are you stable?" Willow asked, poking gingerly at the pile of pillows stacked up under Tara's middle.

"Sorta?" Tara could feel the pillows shift with every breath she took, but she didn't want to start all over.

"Good enough." Willow started doing something with the bungee cords and the legs of Tara's university issued dorm bed. She squirmed her way underneath Tara and lifted her legs up so her feet were hovering in the air next to Tara's ears.

The pillows shook alarmingly for a moment and a great weight rested on Tara's back, across her shoulders and almost up on her neck.

"Okay?" Willow asked, her voice muffled through the pillows and Tara's body.

"It's a little heavy." Tara said, "I think we can try."

"Here goes." Willow tugged on something and the weight on Tara's back intensified and Willow's legs came up even more until her pussy was just there under Tara's face.

Tara jumped when Willow's breath hit her own sex organs and she was ready when Willow's tongue prodded gently at her clit. It felt nice, but not really different from normal oral sex, even when they attempted to 69.

Tara craned her neck down, the bungee cord across her back riding up as she curled and her nose was brushed by Willow's trimmed red pubes.

"Tara?" Willow's tongue stopped the gentle teasing.

"I can't reach." Tara told her. "And you're really heavy."

"C'mon baby." Willow licked across her folds. "I really want to try this."

Tara tried again, curving her whole body down. Her hips rose as her head bobbed close enough for her to reach Willow. She didn't even get a lick in before Willow was tugging on the bungee cord again.

"When you lift your hips, I can't reach." Willow explained. "Maybe try to stretch your neck?"

Tara sighed. "It doesn't work like that."

The pillow pile supporting her weight had had enough and it collapsed, sending pillows in every direction and Tara fell heavily onto Willow, struggling to catch herself on her hands.

"Gah. . ." Willow's legs fell forward and bungeed back into place on either side of Tara's head. "Sorry. . ."

Tara balanced on one shaky arm and pulled the bungee cord over her head, without the assistance, Willow's legs banged against the floor and she managed to inch her way out from underneath Tara's body.

Willow helped Tara get back on the bed, walking her hands and lifting her off the ground. "Sorry. I thought it would be fun."

Tara kissed her and flopped back onto the bed. "It sounded impossible to begin with."

"I know, let me make it up to you?" Willow looked down the bed, her eyes stopping on Tara's hips.

!30 days challenge, fandom:buffy the vampire slayer, genre: smut, char:tara maclay, genre: femslash, char:willow rosenberg

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