Chapter 79: Waving, Drowning. Also forthcoming: Even more TMI from LMM!

May 06, 2012 16:18

Nothing new under the sun in Chapter 79: Evelyn feels sick and skips school; reads a book and complains about having to go to parties. The book is really The Awakening by Kate Chopin, which is a real book you can read,and maybe should? If nothing else, it caused critics in 1899 to kick up a fuss. It was a great time for fuss!

Madison's is the fictional American publication that helped demonstrate Emily's rise through the world of fictional American publications by publishing her short story A Flaw in the Indictment!!!! early in Emily's Quest, i.e., late 1905 in the Fanfiction Timeline. Evelyn thinks they are a little stuffy and their fashion writers especially poor, but that never comes into the story.

Meanwhile, in real life, Oxford University Press Canada has announced a NEW TOTALLY COMPLETE EDITION of L.M. Montgomery's journals, starting THIS SEPTEMBER. How is this possible?

"The first edition of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery was published in the 1980s, with fifty percent of the material removed to save space, as well as to reflect a quaint, marketable vision of small-town Canada. The editors were instructed to excise anything that was not upbeat or did not "move the story along." The resulting account of Montgomery's youthful life in Prince Edward Island depicts a fun-loving, simple country girl. The unabridged journal, however, reveals something quite different.

We now know that Montgomery was anything but simple. She was often anxious, bitter, dark, and political, although always able to see herself and her surroundings with a deep ironic - and often comical - twist. The unabridged version shows her using writing as a means of managing her own mood swings, as well as her increasing dependency on journal keeping, and her ambition as a writer."

Also featuring: " hundreds of her own photographs placed as she placed them in her journals, as well as newspaper clippings, postcards, and professional portraits, all with her own original captions."

Am I excited about this? I am extremely excited about this. If I weren't suddenly unemployed through July, I would have already pre-ordered. Should I be, though? Isn't it . . .I don't actually know what adjective I would apply to the quality of really wanting to read about other people's mood swings. Ghoulish? Invasive? Unseemly? I don't really know how I should feel about how I feel about diaries.

aaw maud, allcaps excitement, fanfiction update, scholarship and stuff, the past

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