I love how indignant the L.M. Montgomery fan community is getting over the exclusion of the Green Gables house from the official state tour for those rich people from England, even though it was semi-prominently featured in the Official Royal Tour Promotional Video and I guess your one likes Anne of Green Gables or something? From
a letter to the editor of the Guardian (Covers Prince Edward Island Like the Dew):
There is absolutely no connection between Maud Montgomery and Dalvay by the Sea, no matter how beautiful it is. Yes, it was featured in the largely made-in-Ontario mutton being passed off as P.E.I. lamb interpretation of Anne, but that has very little to do with Maud's own work.
Hey, don't be down on Ontario! They do all right!
Anyway, if you like residual imperialism, check out the trip itinerary; it is fascinating.