Apr 14, 2011 20:22
after looking through it to add tags, I decided there are too many memories in this journal, I need to keep this going and post more, even if LJ really is so 2003, and nobody is here anymore *echo echo echo*
3 months ago today......
I only posted twice in January lol. And it was about work. =/
6 months ago to the day......
I posted a rant about work. See a theme going on here? lol
One year ago today.....
I was getting ready to travel to New York =) and I ranted about work...
Two years ago today......
I was in New York, but it was my last day there so I was sad. Hey, another theme :P
3 years ago this month....
I was in Rennes, studying for exams and trying to figure out how I could get away with a short trip to Paris to go see Moby.... I suppose that's theme number 3 XD
In total, I have made 1992 journal entries.
So, my promise to myself is that I'll post more here again. And not about work all the time. Which means I'll have to get a life outside of work... hmmmm