Bleh. I have, always, fairly extreme PMS, experiencing all the symptoms of a bad cold/mild flu plus added brain-effects (blurred vision, aphasia, mental fog, inability to concentrate, depression, lethargy, pre-migraine-type visual and auditory symptoms and sometimes full-blown migraines and so on) for three days before my period and two or three
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In the past, I've tried about every version of the pill doctors were willing to prescribe for me, but had bad reactions - as in, worse than my natural PMS/period symptoms in one way or another - to all of them. Some gave me permanent PMS, so that I felt my thinking was impaired all the time (ugh!), others gave me irregular and long-lasting periods, sore boobs or other weird physical effects; one even seemed to give me thrush. Eventually I just gave up, because even when I was in a relationship with a guy, it wasn't worth it. I guess if I'd believed I was going to be with a male partner for long, I'd have gotten sterilised, but I'm so crap at sustaining relationships that issue's barely come up so far.
Your doc made me laugh! :-D
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