Jesus...Is it Christmas yet?

Nov 16, 2004 22:24

Today...No, this week has been one of the longest of my life. I was yelling at Alex yesterday when he told me it was Monday. I could have SWORN, would have BET MONEY, that it was Wednesday or Thursday. o.O

And today...Oh, just let me hybernate, please...My mom's car's battery died yesterday, so we couldn't take that car to school, but we have another we could take, but the only key that starts the car was locked inside. We finally found the spare key that opens the door, but I was almost stuck at home all day (which, in retrospect, would have been nice...)

I'm opening the gate of the driveway so my mom can drive out, and my puppy runs out and onto the highway and is less than a foot away from the wheel of a speeding truck. Heart attack anyone? What is so difficult for that dog to grasp about a loud, angry, harsh voice? Most dogs stop doing what they're doing when they hear that. She knows what "No," means...::facepalm::

I had another chemistry test today that I've been obsessing over, and I'm sure I crashed and burned on it again. I HATE chemistry, but I worry about it so much and for no good reason! ::screams::

Someone I know, not too well so I won't call her a friend, was arressted today. At school. They brought the drug dogs into her class, and she had something in her bag. And she's 17 so she'll be tried like an adult. And it REALLY makes me mad because in the way of "pot-heads" she's responsible about it! She's not high at school, she doesn't endager others like some of the druggies at my school. Why couldn't one of the idiots been caught? And why did she even bring it to school??? What was she thinking??? >.<

And then an hour ago Kim IMs me and tells me no one knows where Carly is, and she won't answer her cell phone. So I talk to Frank to see if he knows anything, and he calls Russle and it was just WAY more stress than I needed. And finally it turns out she's just at the Bankey's and left her phone in her car so she never heard people calling her. I'm gonna kill her. So's Frank. And Billy. And her parent's. And probably Kim and Russle, too. Just...UGH! Why didn't she bring her friggin phone inside? >.< Or call her parents and tell them she was SOMEWHERE even if it wasn't where she really was. That was really fucking SCARY, Carly. Don't ever do that again.

And on top of all of THAT (as though it wasn't enough) my dad asks me this evening, "If your grandfather were to pass away between now and when you leave Thursday morning," (not impossible) "will you still go to Thespian Convention, or will you go to Houston for the memorial service? It's up to you! I won't tell you what to do. It's your choice."

Right. No pressure. Thanks, Daddy. I already feel guilty, and he's still alive!

::flop:: I'm going to bed. Wake me in January.
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