I'm getting close to the end of season 1 now, and the action is really ramping up. And since, conveniently, I was going over to a friend's place almost exactly 5k away yesterday, I decided to walk it in the lovely weather and find out what's going on in Abel Township. (Stats and map for this mission can be found on
my ZombieLink page.)
Yesterday's mission started off where
mission 21 left off -- with a gigantic horde of zombies about to attack Abel Township, and only a few runners outside to run decoy. At least we discovered where all the zombies came from: Red Settlement, one of New Canton's satellite settlements, which had fallen. (Great job, New Canton, as always.)
Anyway, everyone's favorite pal, Runner 8, met up with us to bring us some noisemakers, and then Runner 7 (Evan Deaubl, head of runners) started issuing instructions for everyone to split off and run in different directions, in the hopes that small groups of zombs would run after each of us, leaving only a few going towards the Township.
Naturally, I was paired with Runner 8, because I have crappy luck. I'd have loved to be paired with just about anyone else -- Runner 6 seems damn competent, and Runner 4 reminds me of the little sister I never had -- but that's not the way things turned out.
Speaking of Runners 6 and 4... bad thing happen. As they were running towards New Canton and the airstrip beyond (about 18 miles!), a second horde of zombies started chasing them, many of them kids. Kids, as we all know, turn quickly and run fast even after turning, and Runner 6... she didn't make it. It was heartbreaking to listen to Runner 4 telling us all what happened. But so far she's the only runner down. We hope.
Anyway, Runner 8 and I headed off towards Imran Park, where there's a bridge over a gorge that we hoped the zombs would fall into. On the way there, we got a chance to catch our breath at the top of a hill where we got a good view of the valley. The good news: most of the zombs had split up, leaving only a small group headed towards Abel. The bad news: a few of the ones headed towards Abel seemed to be carrying something. Together. And that something turned out to be a friggin' rocket launcher!
"But Julie," I heard you saying, "zombies can't coordinate actions, much less fire a rocket launcher. You're talking crazy talk!"
And friends, I wish I was, but clearly there are at least some zombies who have capabilities we never suspected them of, because mission 22 ended with the sound of an explosion and the radios going dead.
Everyone who had to wait months between version 1.2 and version 1.3, when the final story mission (#23) was released... you have my deepest sympathies. I was halfway tempted to walk home from my friend's place just so that I could hear what happened, but it was getting too late at that point. In any case, I feel for you. I do.
It's supposed to rain here in Montreal for a few days, so I may not get a chance to listen to mission 23 until the weekend, which would be a shame, because I really want to know what the hell happened. Zombies with rocket launchers, indeed!
So that's it for this time. Look forward to my write-up of mission 23 in a few days, in which there will hopefully be answers to some very pressing questions, like, "Is there an Abel Township to go back to?"