
Sep 21, 2010 16:17

Those friends of mine who have been reading this LJ for a while know that I used to write a blog called Daily Breadcrumbs, in which I systematically read through the Bible and blogged about my reflections. I got as far as 2 Samuel before giving up the endeavor in late 2008, but in the past few months I've picked it up again. No, there aren't any new blog posts, but I've been reading nonetheless. Late last week, I finally finished the Old Testament (hallelujah!) and started in on the New Testament.

Now, I've read some of the New Testament before. I've read the Gospel of Matthew, a few of the Pauline letters (Romans, at the very least), and Revelation. Earlier this week, I reread Matthew, and read the Gospels of Mark and Luke for the first time. It sometimes felt like playing a broken record (I totally understand those people who say there must have been some "Q source" for some of the shared stories), but they were enjoyable reads. I like the parables, though I don't necessarily agree with them. I can see why Christians find these books so compelling.

Today I'm reading the Gospel of John for the first time. I'm almost done (midway through chapter 19), and... wow, just a bit antisemitic, aren't you, John? Also preachy and convoluted. But particularly antisemitic. I feel icky just reading it.

At least next is Acts, where we get back to the fun supernatural-type stories. And (hopefully) less antisemitism.

religion, daily breadcrumbs

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