I wasn't going to post anymore this morning, but this is too good to pass up. As most of you know, I spent about a year running a series called
Daily Breadcrumbs, which was a chance for me to read through the Bible and write op-eds about it. I got as far as 1 Samuel before deciding I had better things to do with my time, but it's all still online for those who want to read it.
For the most part, people who have commented have been insightful and knowledgeable. Until today.
Yes, folks. Six months after I stopped the project, over two years since I wrote
this particular breadcrumb, I received my first anonymous "hellfire and brimstone" comment.
For posterity, then, here we go! Note that this has not been edited in any way.
Comment #1:
Why do you lie, and say the seven noahide laws came from the Old Testement ? The Old Testement contains the TEN COMMANDMENTS, and makes NO MENTION of your ridiculous Talmudic Laws for the goyim ! ~~ The truth on this matter is going viral as I type - mostly because of the treacherous acts of Israel carried out on your Rosh Hashanah - Sept. 11, 2001 ! Did you honestly believe NONE of the hated goy would notice ? You heartless people will NEVER rule over us. Continued attempts in this direction would be foolish of you, I assure you ! ~~ Realize that the Old Testement is literally HISTORY ! ... Tell me have you read Daniel 9 (hebrews) ? ... You haven't - because you are forbidden ! Just like the New Testement... they dont want you to read the TRUTH that your Messiah has come ! Read Daniel 9, Isaiah 53, And The New Testement if you dare ! If I am wrong you have nothing to fear from a little reading - do you ? You sound very intelligent... I hope you are ! ... peace
Comment #2:
Also dear Julie... you've stated that this is your first reading of the O.T., so I realized perhaps you have yet to be introduced to the Talmud... you sound quite innocent so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If you are new to it's contents - please visit : [ Come-and-Hear.com ]. There you will learn that, among other things - The old 'sages' say it's O.K. to have sex with a girl under the age of three ( ! 3 ! ) years old, and she will still be a virgin - because "it's like poking the eye with the finger, and the tears will come, again and again". ~ Hence she will heal, and be a virgin again ! ~ Or did you know that Rabbis suck the blood from a baby's freshly circumcised penis (with their mouths !) ~ Or that females (like you) are "unclean" during their menstrual periods (and a week after), and defile everything they touch ! ~ That only SCRATCHES the surface of the filth contained in thd Talmud !
C'mon. If that won't convince you to turn tail and run for the glory of Christ, nothing will.
I suppose I should take my tongue out of my cheek now. *grin*
(Oh, and I had to check. It turns out Rosh Hashana 2001 was on Sept. 18, not Sept. 11 as mentioned.)