Today's breadcrumb is about a tribe of draft dodgers.
Hooray for wireless access! I have decided that the way to beat 4 hours of boredom at the Learning Centre is to bring my laptop. I printed a few extra "Daily Breadcrumbs" readings, just in case there was no wireless access, but it turns out that, in fact, there is. Furthermore, I had the forethought to ask Marc for his username and password, so I'm now logged in on his account.
Of course, it looks like this week I actually have 1.5 hours of work plus the potential for an hour more at drop-ins, but that still leaves me 1.5-2.5 hours of downtime. Yay for internet access!
So. Yesterday's weather was blechy. I am well content that I have a car, but I am less content that my winter boots seem to have developed a plethora of tiny holes that made (and are making) my feet wet. These boots are definitely getting thrown out at the end of the season.
I picked up a book of dubious value at the library yesterday. I read the first chapter and decided it really doesn't interest me. Unfortunately, the library is closed from tomorrow to Monday for Easter, so I won't be able to get a new book until Tuesday. Alas, alack.
Also yesterday, I went to karate. This was a surprise, as I was supposed to have Ian's Game of Thrones game, but it was cancelled at the last minute. So off to karate I went. The advanced class (of which I am not a part, but I watched it anyway) did free-style sparring. I got tired just watching them. It's been at least four years since I've done free-style sparring, and I sort of miss it. On the other hand, I'd been asking for a kata class for a while. And, though the class I did yesterday wasn't quite what I had in mind, I did in fact work on katas. Specifically, I did a review while pseudo-teaching another orange belt who'd forgotten most of them. At least it was a good review, I suppose. I'll see what we're doing tonight.
After karate, it was off to Ian's for tasty food and good company. I left earlier than I'd have liked, but I had no car to drive me home, and I had to wake up to come here. Which is where I am now. 25 minutes until my first student arrives, and some Biblical reading and writing to accomplish in that time. That's it for now!