May 12, 2008 01:35
As part of the mother's day gifts they made at school, the teachers asked the kids questions about their moms and recorded their answers.
Here's what Miss Bells had to say about me...
1. What's your mommy's name?
2. How old is your mommy?
3. What makes your mommy happy?
Us cuddling together and watching tv together.
4. What makes your mommy sad?
When I don't listen to her and be rude to her.
5. What makes your mommy laugh?
When I put on a funny show for her.
6. What is your mommy's favorite thing to drink?
7. What is your mommy's favorite color?
8. How much does your mommy weigh?
1 lb.
9. What is your mommy's favorite thing to do?
Kiss me.
10. What is your favorite thing about your mommy?
She's a good person.
11. What is your mommy's favorite food?
Macaroni & Cheese
12. Where is your mommy's favorite place to go?
The pet store.
13. What is your mommy's favorite tv show / movie
Grown Up Movies.
14. What is your mommy's job?
She works for a man that tells her what to do.
15. What is your mommy's favorite animal?
a cat.
16. What is the nicest thing your mommy has ever done for you?
She made my soup when I was sick.
17. What is the nicest thing you have ever done for your mommy?
I kiss her and love her.
18. I love my mommy because...
She makes me stuff and kisses me.