May 12, 2008 21:09
Leon and I had a flat put on hold for us today! :) On Saturday we went to look at a studio in Mandells Court, but were told that someone else had first dibs on it; however, today Prolet rang to say that they'd dropped out, so we rushed over and arranged to move in on June 27th/28th.There were lots of benefits of staying with Prolet, like transferring Leon's deposit over and only having one small agency fee.
I have recently discovered that Mandells Court is in Elm Hill, just a few metres from the Games Room... um... that's not why we wanted it... um... ;)It's probably not the best square metre value for rent, but it is newly refurbished, with carpets only being laid today. The main attraction was that it's very quirky, with two wooden gallery bits, one of which you can only reach via a precarious ladder! It might be a bit small, but it really suits our personalities... Mandells Court also resembles an Escher painting, with flights of stairs jutting off at unexpected angles everywhere, so it will probably be quite an ordeal to move all the furniture! We'll also need to find a bed and a washing machine and a table and about a thousand bookcases... We are about to order a giant Magic card storage device too, so our priorities are sorted... And the floor looks big enough to have an epic Arcadia game... I wonder what colour the new carpet is?
Well, I'm really excited about having a sunny studio to game in, and anyone who happens to be in Elm Hill after June is welcome to come and visit. :)
I'm starting to worry that Wizards have sneaked out Keep on the Shadowfell ahead of schedule, as lots of ENWorld folk seem to have it - will have to check the Games Room tomorrow... Oh yes, and Leon spotted a box of unpainted Schaeffer's Last Chancers for a pound in a charity shop the other day, which realised my much younger self's dream to own them after reading their battle report in White Dwarf... :)