May 08, 2009 23:33
... and blistered fingers and palm, a whole lot of muscles ache, quite a number of bow string lashing at your arm like a whip, almost have to x-ray-ed my wrist, and also caused me no small number of anxiety and turmoil; archery has done a number on me.
But today makes it all worth it.
I finally manage to get a consistant form.
yes, I manage to get a consistant form. but not yet a stable one.
Just in case you're wondering what 'form' I'm talking about, I'm referring to archery. Form refers to the way you move, pull, aim, shoot and do follow through. You also need to know the amount of energy you use, like say if you push or pull too much, the arrow would miss the target entirely. Using correct form will avoid injuries. Injuries range from using the wrong muscles and tendons, to getting a whip lash from your bow string.
As you can see from above, I have suffer quite a bit.
But now, I have my form! With good form, shooting is more consistant and all my arrows have nice grouping, no matter where I aim! Along with getting a form, I got a sense of peace and serenity (and of course joy) that I haven't felt for awhile when shooting. No one told me you get this feeling when you found your form. A more imaginative part of me felt as if the bow finally accept me as an archer.
Now what I need to do is to keep practicing so I won't lose my form.
archery iium