Nov 01, 2005 18:44
Convo b/tw me and Gabbo.
Random dude: so, when the meteor hit the earth, did the birds survive because they could fly?
Gabbo: (As surviving bird)Oh snap, there goes the earth.
Eve: Good thing we're up here.
Eve: Now we just fly here till it settles, in a million years.
Gabbo: Yep and, oh god! Leg cramp! (flails arms crazily)
Eve: Glad you don't need a leg to fly.
Gabbo: Yeah and- Oh god! Wing cramp! (flails even crazier)
Eve: Well, at least you can fly one winged.
Gabbo: It is pretty luck- oh god! My other wing!
Gabbo:(Yelling like she's falling)iiiit's yoouuurr oowwwnnn faauulltt fooor noot taakkkiiinngg caaaarree ooofff yooouuurrsseeellllfff.
Eve: Wait, why would the guy who's falling say the other guy didn't take care of himself?
Gabbo: Oh, wait. It's your own fault for not tacking care of yourself. Tut tut tut, now I must contort my wing to a fist like shape!(Shakes contorted wing)
Eve: Wait, why are you shaking your fist at the falling one? You're disappointed, not angry.
Gabbo: Oh, than I shake a single finger like feather at you!
Eve: I wonder what happened to the birds on the other side of the earth, when the meteor pushed the earth wouldn't it push the earth into them? What did they say?
Gabbo: Oh snap, here comes the earth.
Another convo-
TV: She was practically raised in that lake.
Eve: No, she actually was raised in that lake.
Gabbo: She was raised by sharks
Eve: Lake sharks?
Gabbo: Yes