(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 03:06

ill give u a recap.

demf was this past weekend it was too much fun. on a much heavier note, we lost a great kid friday night. over dosed on h, mike mackie was not only a close friends cousin or my sisters ex he was someone i talked to and actually had fun with, its such a shame that someone o young had to make an example. everyone out there doing things that vould hurt them really need to watch out. your not invincible. and potvin you were the best big brother a cousin could have. peopple have to figure things out on there own, just ssometimes its too late.
tomorrow, er, later on today is the viewing for mackie.
3-8 at price funeral home on rochester between 17 and 18
its all so unreal to me, i can't belive it happend i can't belive hes really gone. this year truley has been devastating.

i just had the weirdest conversation.
well not weird just unexpected.

well im out.
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