Mar 17, 2005 21:17

yayayayay for the play!! tonight was our first performance and it went pretty well actually, considering that it was really the first time that we ran it w/o stopping! and it could have been amazing if scannel wasnt such a DUMBASS!!! wtf!! he is such a MORON and should NEVER EVER conduct another pit orchestra again! i swear, he made it us mess up sooo many freakin times tonight and it made me sooo angry! but the show must go on and it did and turned out well. Some highlights:

1. dance parties w/ Brad backstage ~ "What do the simple folk do? why, but of course they go SCREW!!!" haha i heart you Brad!!
2. not coming onstage in the beginning until like 5 min after the lights came on cuz we didnt freakin realize they were playing the overture cuz scannel is a dumbass!
3. totally fucking up the beginning of the joust, and why? b/c of b-scan of course!
4. using the may pole for the first time during "lusty", oh man it was sooo much fun! lol
5. swallowing fog in both nimue and morgan's scenes ~ seeing a wall of billowing fog rushing towards your face while youre crawling on the ground = creepiest thing ever!
6. pulling a major leg muscle while being a gazelle so now i cant like walk...fuckin A!
7. not being able to play the A string on the cello without jabbing megan with the i just left those notes out lol
8. getting my cape to work for Guenevere! yayayay and remembering all the words! yayay
9. Mike delivering the best goddamn monologue on the face of the planet! omg Mike, you are freakin amazing and everytime you give that speech it makes me want to cry! i love you!!
10. being repeatedly sprayed by Bret w/ wet glowy spray stuff, and it didnt even work! grrr

theres so much more that im forgetting/too tired to type...must be off to bed, ive decided to boycott my hwk and the calc quiz tom, mr rymer will just have to deal. I leave you with these parting words:

Don't let it be forgot,
that once there was a spot,
for one brief shining moment
that was known as Camelot!!!!
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