Nov 25, 2021 03:24
Loving the wrong person again.
Because you just happen to let yourself go again,
Another dead end outcome,
Another avenue for heartbreak and pain,
Quit whilst your ahead,
Is the best plan yet,
Because this loving isn't real,
Or feasible,
Or a good deal,
Or even appropriate,
This loving isn't right,
Someone else's life,
Let it go,
Leave it be,
Let it be,
What it's meant to be,
Stop pushing, stop shoving,
Stop fighting, stop pining,
Enjoy it for what it is,
Nothing more,
Nothing less,
Not possible to change,
All the outcomes in this game,
That providence decides to play,
Best not to cry over nothing,
And appreciate the something,
Ignore the feeling
Of wanting, missing and needing,
Don't make it something more,
That has too much of a cost,
With too much potentially lost,
Too many lives destroyed,
For a short term outcome,
To fill an irrelevent void.
And yet alas little girl,
Who do you think you are,
In this grown up world?
What power do you have
To influence anyone at all,
No matter what you feel,
No matter what the wants,
No matter the secret desires,
The desperate mind evokes...
Your dreaming anyway,
So sigh in relief
And let it go.