i'll respond to your thing with your stuff soon, but in response, first is was flag pole citta by harvey danger :) and i really dont know what i would have missed, i feel more like i miss experiences when i dont do anything. cuz alot of times it was and is really stressful but i always met crazy people and even if i'm never goin to be as cool or interesting as them, or as i think they are, i still learn something, so i think thats also why i do alot of shit and have alot of people around, partly because i get bored but mostly because i always learn something and its crazy when i think about it how much of my life has been changed or effected by people or things that maybe i only saw or met once. so i wonder what i would be like if i slowed down, because to be honest, i feel like i dont do enough. and i think that some of my freindships have suffered because of it, but the ones that are really important always have a way of workin them selfs out, and i think it makes the freindship mean more when you do get to see someone you really care about only a little bit, just because then you dont get too comfortable and take them for granted, like you said about not needed to be constantly reassured that your not gonna lose the freindship, cuz your comfortable enough with the person that you dont need to be told all the time your freindships important, you both just know. i feel like that with most of my freinds and i guess sometimes if i dont call or am all over and hangin out with crazy randoms it might come across that i dont care but its kinda the oppisite, i just suck at telling people how much they mean, so i dont know what that all was really about but its what i was thinkin. i also have noticed when i am not busy i get pretty depressed because i feel like i am waisting time and space, or maybe i'm just not comfortable with being alone or a combo of both. lol sorry this is claire chat on here, i'm done now. but the mango jello made me laugh, thanks :) g'night woman
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