Dec 13, 2004 23:50
I just want to sit and watch Sex in the City all day.
I don't want to have med-school looming over my head for the next 3 and a half years. How can that be fair? Then again, I don't get into med-school, my life as I thought it would be is ruined.
How can boys I never had to begin with make me so unhappy? Why do I fall for guys who will make me miserable, even if how things are aren't there fault? I did it with Gus. 3 times. I thought there would be something when there wasn't shit. I did it with Bob. At a different time in his life, we would have been great, and he knows that. Do I do this on purpose??
I just want to be home. I want to be in my own house where things like this don't matter. With my family and a select few friends, I can be whoever I want, and they don't care. I don't have to impress or explain. I can just be. When do I find people here that I feel I can just be with?
I have a lot to do. It's not super-overwhelming, just new. I've had times with more work in highschool, but somehow, this is different. This seems more like real life. This seems important.
I need time by myself. I don't get that here. I need a space to crawl into without roomates or rommates' boyfriends.
Why can Ryne, sitting in his room, find someone amazing? Well, I don't know if she's amazing, but he seems fairly smitten at the moment. Is that what I should do? Stop paying attention to guys and just sit around and wait for one to pop up on my computer screen? I'm so happy for him, but I can't seem to be that happy for someone without a smidge of jealousy thrown in.
I'll get away tomorrow. I'm going to get out of this dorm and hide myself. I'm also going to call my mom.