Jan 23, 2006 10:53
Ok first of all, I write in here mainly for myself and let whoever read it cause I don't always tell people what needs to be told. So because of that, I'll write a depressing entry if im depressed and a happy one if I'm happy, and normally I don't think to write about thigns that are happy cause I'm happy, theres nothing for me to get off my chest.
Ok so now, Life is going good. I'm going to classes, doing my homework, which is basically a first for college, and definately a new thing for me. I'm pretty sure I'll get a 4.0 this quarter. Swimming is going well, we started taper like last week, and although its still hard work because we sprint more then normal, it's nice to rest a bit. I've been going a lot of bests in practice already and thats really good news especially with conference just 2 weeks away. My shoulders are better, the only thing left is my back, but that will take time. Also! I've been seeing a girl, nothing official yet, just dating or going out or whatever. I'm not really sure since I've never really had a large dating period with anyone it seems, stuff just sorta happens.
So Peace!
P.S. Missing everyone, I'll attempt to establish more contact when swimming is over. Also conference is Feb 8-11, in Long Beach, so anyone that can come by leave me a message or something.