Four Years Ago Today

Oct 08, 2007 12:44

Some interesting things I've read thusfar in chapter 3 of the Small Group Process textbook:

Some studies have shown that whenever two people meet for the first time, a dominant-submissive relationship is established within in the first 60 seconds.

Rosen et al. (2000) remind us that if the world were a village of 100 people, there would be 56 Asians, 21 Europeans, 9 Africans, 8 South Americans, and 6 North Americans. There would be 30 Christians, 18 Muslims, 13 Hindus, 6 Buddhists, 5 animists, and 21 without religion.


That was 4 years ago. Interesting, still find it to be true, the first part.

I think that every relationship we form, we are either the dominant or the submissive in the relationship. That's familial relationships, friendships, romantic, work, etc.
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