Happy Chinese New Year!

Jan 29, 2006 19:14

My original plan today was to wake up early and go out to do some photography, then go get an oil change for my lovely Sonata. However, when I woke up, it was raining. So, I went back to sleep instead and woke up later to go to the oil change place. After that I worked out, and ate my first meal of the new year. According to Chinese tradition, the first meal should not have any meat in it. Later on when the rain mostly stopped, I slipped into some heavy boots and went out. With the weather, the main objective today was to explore, and take some photos if I came upon anything interesting. I really need a walking stick or something, because a few times I was traversing some risky terrain and if I'd slipped I would have ended up in the river. Needless to say, my camera would not be very happy with me if I dunked it in water. I came to a bridge type thingy, and it had all this graffiti on it. It was pretty colorful, so they were the only color pictures I took during the excursion. For some reason, I felt uneasy as I went further under the bridge. As if confirming the notion that I should not spend any more time around that area, it started raining. Perhaps there was a lot of negative energy in that area, I don't know. The other thing of note I saw was in an outdoor grill. I saw two grills in an out of the way area, so I headed over. Lo and behold, there was a ratty looking porn mag in it. I took some pics of it, trying to get the contrast of porn against nature, but none of them turned out well. Perhaps that's for the best?
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