Normalcy in a topsy turvy world, or am I tucked away in a stark white sterile room?

Jan 23, 2006 21:17

What I have to come to realize is that I lead a very "mundane" life. I have never seen a drunk person throw up, I've never had drunken antics, certainly never had a friend roll around in the mud half naked, never seen someone actively using an illegal drug, my family gets along fairly well, I've never really been exposed to distant relatives so I have no crazy uncle stories, I've never shoplifted, I've never smoked or had a sip of alcohol, etc, etc. I find it funny that I might be considered a goody two shoes, and I'm fine with my life the way it is. There isn't a whole lot of drama and complications except for whatever my mind or ego decides to throw in. Also, there are things I have experienced/done that others more than likely have not. I guess that as long as you're happy with your life, that's what matters.

On another note, I finished one book on nutrition and am now reading "Enter The Zone". Why, oh why do they have to make their books into a text infomercial? In Chapter 6 I explain how my theory is correct by stating only part of the picture and throw in a study that supposedly proves my point. It annoys me that there's all this information out there, and people can't just objectively present it without an agenda. How about some more details on the experiment. Was a causal relationship determined, or are the factors only correlated? If it's dark out whenever I have my lights on, does that mean that if I turn my lights on it will suddenly become dark outside? All the BS makes it difficult to discern what is true and what is biased to prove a point. Maybe I just haven't found the right source of information the internet! Now that's one reliable and trustworthy source! If it weren't I wouldn't have two bottles of spanish fly, a tube of fat dissolver cream, three boxes of Viagra, and about twenty free satellites on their way in the mail. And did I mention the incredible e-mail, sorry, opportunity I got a week ago from the Nicaraguan rich man who needs my help transferring his millions over to the US? All I had to give him was my bank account number and personal information. I mean, talk about a no-brainer! Give him information for free in return for one million dollars? Cha-Ching! Oh, and I made sure to forward the e-mail on that AOL is keeping track of, because I'm going to get money for every person I forward it to and the people they forward it to! And it's not a pyramid scam either, just ask the guys at Amway. Besides, if it were a scam then why would half of the money be going to poor little Jenny who is dying of cancerous lesions on her toenails and road-map veins all over her legs? I tell you, the internet is a great even allows poor fools like me to ramble on and on :P
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