Oct 17, 2004 12:37
well...last night was fun, i guess. even tho 99% of the songs that they played sucked. i didn't take anyone because i didn't really want to take anyone...well, there was this one girl that i like who i wanted to take, but she wasn't going. damn. well, i went bowling with kevin, amrita, richelle, burk, bart, jesse and a few other people afterward. hell, i wasn't even supposed to be out. i never told plumby what i was doing after homecoming. im so screwed when i get back to the dorm. plumby doesn't understand that plans change, and that no plans are ever really set. fuckin bald bastard. after bowling, i went to kevins house and stayed overnight. i wasn't planning it (ah ha! plans DO change) but i got locked out of the dorm. lucky me. i wonder how bad i'll get it when plumby gets to talking. i hope it's not too bad. at kevin's now. getting ready to go back to the dorm and see how much shit i'm in. as the hawk would say (to no one) over the walkie talkie: 'over and out'