There are three bad things that I can think of about college: university english requirements, people who live on campus, and the college of liberal arts and sciences.
Point one: My ENG105 class is total bullshit. It's stupid, we write stupid papers on stupid topics, he gives us ridiculous amounts of busy work, and the people in it are retarded. Except for the two other Corona grads in it. So, here's a big
middle finger to you, ASU. Why must you force me to take a ludicrously simply and boring english class? Believe it or not I speak fluent English.
I don't live on campus. I live in a totally bitchin' apartment with two bathrooms and an office and new furniture and appliances. I don't pay rent. Why must people constantly try and be cooler than me by saying things about dorms? Seriously, anything you do is not cool. You have to walk 20 feet to go into the bathroom to wash your dishes. There is a downside to this, however. I never see people or talk to them or hang out with them. Whatever. I'm awesome.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is probably the most retarded thing ever devised by man. It's like the people at ASU were like "Hey, lets combine retarded instructors with advisors that don't know anything about the classes and make outlandish graduation requirements for people who are trying to do something that requires more than 3 semesters of work!" Actually, that's not like what they did, that's what they actually did. At this point I can graduate in the spring of 2007 if I don't take my honors thesis into account.
You have no chance to survive make your time.