Jacky, Would You Turn Me On? [s/a]

Oct 25, 2010 21:25

Title: Jacky, Would You Turn Me On?
Author: evanlikesthrust
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
Disclaimer: This is NOT true, title courtesy of  our boys All Time Low
Summary: Alex and Jack shower together after a show, and things get interesting.
A/N: Just getting this in my journal, I wrote and posted this a while ago

The long drone of a bass guitar rang through the huge open space of the House of Blues Boston as Zack Merrick held his instrument up by the neck, showing off not only his bright pink bass, but his glistening bare torso which was drowning in sweat. The crowd before All Time Low went absolutely wild, fangirl screams effectively drowning out the sound of what was left over from the boys’ last song. Zack, Alex, and Jack all looked at each other, smiling, pleased that they had drawn such a positive reaction from the crowd, which was predominantly teenage scene girls. Alex looked over at Zack, nodding with a vibrant smile on his face, and Zack responded with a dazzling smile, flashing his brilliant white teeth at Alex. Alex then looked over to Jack, who was already looking at him with the cutest smile Alex had ever seen taking over his already adorable face. Jack’s huge, glassy, deep brown eyes shone with a youthful innocence that made Alex’s knees feel weak. He was totally and completely in love with Jack, and he knew it. Jack knew it too, and he was just fine with it. He also thought Alex was a damn fine piece of ass, so Jack didn’t mind the occasional hookup after shows or on the bus when Zack and Rian were out doing unimportant things.

The two boys exchanged a heartfelt smile with plenty of eye contact before Alex turned toward the crowd, holding his hands in the air with a microphone in one hand. The screams got louder, and Alex just stood there panting and dripping with sweat, waiting for the piercing shrieks to die down enough so he could get a word in edgewise. Finally, they did, and Alex spoke, hoping not to get the crowd screaming again.

“Who’s got sweaty tits tonight?” Alex yelled at the crowd, peering slightly over at Jack to see if he was amused. Jack giggled and looked back at Alex. The crowd of girls screamed to show that their tits were, in fact, sweaty, and Alex spoke again.

“Nice, nice. Thanks for coming out tonight, we really appreciate all of you. Now, who wants to hear one last song before we go?”

Everyone in the crowd screamed so loud Alex thought he was going to soon be covered in the lungs of a thousand teenage girls. Just as Alex was about to pick up his guitar from off the stage where he had temporarily dropped it, Jack said something.

“Wait, Alex, I think that this crowd want to, uh, see something from us before we play our last song of the night,” Alex looked at Jack with a rather questioning look on his face, before he knew what the guitarist was hinting at.

“Okay, Jack,” Alex smiled, as he hopped over to the younger boy. He paused for a minute, the crowd slowly growing louder and chanting ‘Do it, do it, do it!’ The two smiled at each other, before Alex leaned in a pecked Jack on the lips. Alex almost thought he felt the floor moved as a thousand girls screamed and jump up and down in disbelief at what they just saw. Alex began to walk back over to the center of the stage where he belonged, when he heard Jack speak again.

“Oh c’mon Alex, that was no kiss! Show these beautiful fans what they want to see!” Alex almost collapsed right there on stage. He got to kiss Jack again in front of a huge crowd of their fans! Alex always enjoyed the on stage kisses the most, because he was expressing his love of Jack to other people. It was so liberating and just awesome. Alex whipped back around, not expecting Jack to be right behind him. There Jack was, standing there in his statuesque yet boyish glory. Jack grabbed Alex’s head, pressing their lips together in one very passionate kiss. The feeling of Jack’s soft, supple lips on his and the love that he could feel emanating from his delicate touch made Alex hard almost instantly. He felt Jack’s grip on the back of his head loosen, and Alex pulled away from the kiss, looking into Jack’s eyes for just a second before turning back to the audience. He then remembered that he was still very hard, but he figured that his fans would enjoy seeing the outline of his dick.

“How about THAT?” Alex nearly yelled into the microphone, as he was still pretty giddy from the passionate kiss that his best friend had just given him. The crowd roared in approval, and Alex could see that almost every one of them, near the front anyways, has their mouth open in disbelief.

“Anyway, We’re gonna play one more song for you guys,” Jack strummed his guitar to signal the start of a song, and the rest of the band joined in. They closed the show with Alex’s personal favorite, Weightless.

When the boys finished the song, they all held their hands in the air in order to make it a dramatic finish, and the roar of a thousand screaming teenage girls shook the very foundation of the House once more, before Alex closed to show with a, “You guys have been awesome, Thanks for coming, goodnight!” The lights rose, and the boys walked off stage, ducking to avoid the drumsticks that Rian threw into the surging crowd.

As soon as Alex and Jack were off stage, Alex sighed, “God damn, I need to take a fucking shower,” He looked at Jack, who was walking right next to him.

“I need to shower too, I’m so fucking sweaty,” Jack peeled his sweat -soaked tee shirt from his moist torso, slinging it over one shoulder, probably flinging a few drops of sweat on whatever was behind him.

“Well you’re gonna have to go after me!” Alex took off, sprinting towards the shower, followed in close pursuit by a silently giggling Jack. The showers were a little bit farther away then Alex had thought, and he was just getting sweatier as he ran. And he was getting tired, so Jack was catching up fast. He could see the shower just up ahead, door wide open as if it knew that Alex was coming. Alex nearly dove into the shower so that he could get the first turn. He realized soon after he began to peel off his drenched tee shirt that he forgot to close the door. Alex quickly whipped off his shirt, throwing it at the wall and lunging at the door. But, Jack was already there, in the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Jack looked up at a confused and slightly annoyed Alex, and turned the lock on the doorknob, grinning at Alex.

“Jack, I said I got the first shower, and what are you doing?” Alex questioned, raising his voice slightly.

“Calm down, Alex,” Jack nearly whispered, “I want to shower too. With you,” He smiled, and Alex nearly collapsed again. His knees felt so weak.

“Wha… Okay…” Alex grinned, and Jack grasped Alex’s hips ever so delicately. Alex reached a hand over to the knob to turn on the water, but Jack grabbed his hand.

“I don’t think we need water quite yet,” Jack grinned in a seductive way, still holding Alex at his hips, and pushed him back against the wall of the shower. Alex closed his eyes and sighed with sexual frustration as he felt Jack’s warm lips touch softly on his neck. Still hard from the passionate kiss on stage, Alex couldn’t stand having pants on any more. He reached down to unbutton his pants, but Jack stopped him.

“Lemme take care of that,” Jack breathed, his mouth still on Alex’s neck. The feeling of Jack’s warm breath on his neck turned Alex on in the worst way. He just wanted Jack to skip all the foreplay and fuck him, hard, on the floor of the bathroom right then and there. But the foreplay always made it just that much better. Jack unbuttoned Alex pants without a struggle, unzipped his fly and pulled Alex’s pants halfway down his sweaty ass. Jack began to travel around Alex’s neck and jaw with his kisses, while he stuck his hand down Alex’s pants and grabbed his rock hard dick. Alex let out another sexually frustrated sigh, which quickly turned into a moan as Jack yanked Alex’s pants down to his feet and began to softly stroke his pulsing cock. Jack pulled away from Alex’s neck for a minute, looking into Alex’s eyes. Jack saw in his eyes that Alex was just begging for it, and Jack smiled, returning to kissing Alex, this time on the lips. It was the most passionate kiss yet, even better than the one on the stage. Jack’s tongue snaked its way between Alex’s lips, and the two began to make out with such love and passion that it made Alex even harder and more eager, if that was even possible at this point. Jack still stroked the singer’s pulsing dick with just a couple fingers, because he knew Alex liked it like that. Alex reached down and fumbled with the button on Jack’s tight jeans, opening it with his slightly trembling hands and unzipping the younger boy’s fly. Alex didn’t see the point in trying to be sexy at this point, he just wanted Jack’s dick inside him as soon as possible, so he just pulled Jack’s pants to his feet as quickly as they would go. With that, Alex found himself crouched down, Jack’s rock hard dick sticking up right in front of his face. Without much hesitation, Alex wrapped his mouth around the end of Jack’s dick and moved his mouth up and down, drawing some pleasured groans from the younger boy. Jack wasn’t particularly long, so Alex could get almost the entire thing down his throat. Every time Alex went down that far, Jack let out a moan that made Alex just want to go crazy. It was the hottest thing he had ever heard out of Jack’s mouth. He wanted Jack inside of him, bad.

As he sucked on Jack’s dick [very well, according to Jack], Alex started to play with himself, stroking his own dick slowly, touching just the right spot every time his hand passed down it. Jack looked down at Alex and noticed that Alex was touching himself. God, seeing Alex play with himself like that made Jack the horniest he’s ever been. He cupped Alex’s face in his hands, pulling Alex off his dick. As Alex stood up, a little bit of drool escaped his mouth. Jack giggled at the sight of this, but quickly kissed Alex pretty firmly.

“Do you want me?” Jack whispered into Alex’s mouth.

“Uh-huh,” Alex’s voice shook slightly, and he looked deep into Jack’s eyes. The two just stared into each other’s eyes for a minute before Jack kissed Alex again, this time just a little peck on the lips.

“Okay. But, where?”

“Right here, right fucking now. Fuck me as hard as you can,” Alex suggested. He wanted Jack so bad, he was thinking about just hopping onto the guitarist’s dick and just riding him until neither of them could move.

“Okay hun,” Jack smiled, as he spat in his hand and rubbed it on his own pulsing cock. Alex wrapped his hands around Jack’s neck and hoisted one leg around Jack’s waist. Jack pressed the end of his eager dick against Alex’s tight asshole and pushed into him. With that entrance, Alex moaned. Loud. It wasn’t out of pain, no, but out of pleasure. Alex never thought being fucked in the ass could feel this good.

“Oh my God, Jack,” Alex moaned. Jack began to thrust slowly, deep into Alex’s ass, massaging the inside in just the right way. Alex thought he was going to orgasm right then. Jack leaned down slightly to kiss Alex’s neck, and sped up the pace of his trusting just a little. Jack began kissing and licking Alex’s neck and ears, and Alex thought he was going to lose it. The sensation of Jack’s warm, moist tongue on his neck, along with the feeling of Jack thrusting into him was just amazing.

“Oh, fuck,” Jack sighed as he felt Alex’s asshole begin to tighten. He knew Alex was about to come. He felt Alex dig into his back with his fingernails as his moaning got louder and louder. Jack felt Alex’s leg begin to shake, and then his entire body.

“Ohhhhhh,” Alex moaned as he felt one of the most intense orgasms he ever had rock his entire body. He held Jack tighter, keeping Jack from thrusting, so Jack just stood there as Alex came. Jack reached a hand down to Alex’s dick, and Alex groaned even louder. Jack began to jerk the singer’s throbbing cock rather fast, as semen finally began to squirt out of Alex’s dick onto both of their chests. Alex nearly screamed. It was the most incredible orgasm he had ever had in his entire life; he almost felt like he was going to black out, it was so intense. With semen now covering his chest, Alex sighed as Jack began thrusting into him once more. It didn’t take long before the younger boy started to come, not moaning as loud as Alex, but it still felt incredible. Jack shook slightly as he spilled his warm, sticky cum into Alex’s asshole. The warmth of Alex’s ass as he came felt incredible. The guitarist sighed as he finished, and pulled out of Alex’s ass. Alex unwrapped his legs from Jack’s waist and attempted to stand up, though he wasn’t so successful; he was still trembling and panting.

“Here, hold me, Alex,” Jack offered, and Alex again wrapped both arms around Jack’s neck, “I think we should actually shower now,” Jack said, and Alex giggled and nodded in approval. Jack reached over to the knob and turned it on hot, the singer still hanging on him.

“I love you, Alex” Jack mumbled into Alex’s ear. Those few words made Alex feel even weaker. This was the first time Jack had ever told him he loved him. It made Alex’s stomach jump, and gave him the feeling as if he could conquer the world. Everything was perfect. The love of Alex’s life had just told him he loved him, and they were on the verge of going public with their love. Next show, Alex was determined to show the entire world that he was in love with Jack Bassam Barakat. With a cute, yet exhausted smile on his face, Alex hugged Jack close to him and responded, “I love you too, Jack”.

rating: nc-17, standalone, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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