How old is Jase? 8 months old
How big? He's more than 15lbs but less than 20. Wearing 9 month clothes mostly. He's finally growing more hair!
How is he? He's great! Happy happy! Everyone is always commenting on how happy and smiley he is all the time. But when he has gas, watch out!!
Milestones? Not quite crawling but not staying in one place either. Pulling up on stuff, or at least trying.
Likes? All his toys, petting the dog, yelling and laughing.
Dislikes? When the dog shakes and his collar jingles.
How are you doing? Terrible. I packed some bags and left my husband last night. He won't be happy unless his parents are happy and they won't be happy until we are divorced. He keeps saying that he doesn't want to split up but he can't have his parents be unhappy and he won't admit that they want us separated. All they do is bully him about me terribly and he won't tell them to back off. I have no idea what is going to happen. I'm staying at my parents' place for the time being with the offer of living in their cottage for the summer if my hubby chooses his parents' happiness over ours. I haven't heard from him, even to ask about Jase.
Questions? None about Jase
Cute stories? Everything Jase does is cute. I love co sleeping! When he wakes up in the morning he reaches up and touches my face if I'm not awake yet too - it's the best.