The votes are counted, and the turn out is much better this week! THANKS!:D
Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to an iconmaker this week too:(
But congratulations to the winner!
river_sunshine : -7
People's Choice:
dance_the_dance : +5
- Banner will come as soon as I have the time to make it!
voting tally]
01: +1+1+1+1+1= +5
02: -1-1+1-1= -2
03: +1+1+1+1= +4
04: -1-1-1-1-1-1-1= -7
To eliminate:
02 - Evangeline's skin a bit too yellow and bad text placement.
02 - The text doesn't fit the icon.
02 - Far too light, and the text is hard to read. Also, it could use a little more contrast
04 - It's too much white on the face and the cropping looks pretty bad
04 - The icon is too lightened and too blurry, her hair has a blue shine as well which doesn't work appealing.
04 - The icon looks a bit too blurry, it is too light, and the crop is too centered.
04 - Didn't follow the Special Rule.
04 - The crop is quite plain and her cheeks have unnatural color
04 - The blue tint to her hair is strong and unflattering
04 - The colouring seems really too much - she looks like a puppet or something
To keep:
01 - Very nicely done
01 - Interesting crop and nice subtle coloration
01 - Beautiful b/w color, the text match perfectly and love the touch of color on the hair.
01 - I really like the text with the little text under it!
01 - Great use of text and tinytext. It really fits in.
02 - Nice, soft coloring and text
03 - Good cropping and coloring. Text placement is so good.
03 - The coloring is really beautiful! The cropping also is stunning, and brings out the beautiful curly hair. Just stunning!
03 - Lovely contrast & coloring.
03 - The cropping is beautiful, and the text is perfect. The colouring is bright and vibrant without being overbearing and the simplicity is wonderful!